5 ways to organize your ideas

How many times have you found yourself lost in your thoughts and had the feeling that you couldn't evolve despite having so many ideas? I bet many! Well know that this is much more common than you imagine and makes thousands of victims daily. Nonetheless, with a little good will and organization it is possible to keep your mind in check and organize your thoughts so that you can execute your plans and succeed in everything you want.

The human brain tends to react very well to rewards and the more capable we feel, the more we are able to produce.

To do this, just follow some quick and practical tips. Follow the steps and start reaping the fruits of a well-trained mind as soon as possible.

1 – Be specific

We have many concerns, many tasks and many plans, but we need to show our mind who owns our wills. Organize your thoughts according to priority, deadline they need to be executed and also where you are. For example, there is no point in wasting hours at work planning a vacation if you run the risk of having your vacation postponed later. The ideal is to give priority to the things that require the most attention at the moment. and, only when completed, move on to the next task.

2 – Make lists

5 ways to organize your ideas
Emma Matthews Digital Content Production / Unsplash

It is natural for human beings to be more committed to a certain thing if they have it in their field of vision. Having lists close to your workstation, in your calendar or in notebooks on your cell phone and computer helps you remember what needs to be done and not get lost in the middle of so many activities. Also try to write down what you've done and not just what you need to do.

3 – Stay focused

Don't pay attention to notifications, unimportant calls, or anything else that could take your attention away from what you've dedicated yourself to doing at that moment. Just focus on what you set out to do and only move on to the next task when you finish this one. Keep your mind focused on the moment and don't let it get lost in daydreams or other worries.

4 – Make plans

Dedicate some time of your day, or at least your week, and make a practical plan for your next moments. Stipulate what should be done in the short, medium and long term and also how important it is, the time it will take to execute and even the cost of each plan. That way your mind can organize itself better and you are aware of what things to do first.

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5 - Rest

An overloaded mind will never be able to organize. When we accumulate many tasks and tasks, we reach a degree of fatigue that makes us create a real snowball. The more we do, the less we can complete and we tend to do it wrong. So, when you feel that fatigue is approaching, allow yourself a few long minutes of rest. Your mind will thank you and you deserve it!

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