5 tips to live better

“Exercise”, “eat properly” and “stop smoking” are three fundamental tips for you to have a healthier life. No doctor will deny the benefits of these three attitudes and they all have something in common: greater care in the physical part that will reflect positively on your health. But is it right to say that our health depends only on it? For example, can we say that a person is leading a healthy lifestyle because they only eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and don't drink or smoke, but that they live in a state of stress at work?

That almost 100-year-old man, who spends all day watching television, only eats junk food and smokes two packs a day is an exception to the rule. If he took up healthy habits, then he would live, possibly, two more decades. "But if he doesn't lead a healthy life, how can such longevity be explained?" Perhaps because of the fact that if he doesn't have habits that are not recommended, on the other hand, he has the main secret to a long life: happiness.

My late great-grandfather was beyond 90 years old. Even on the cusp of his ninetieth birthday, he was living in the countryside and working in the fields. What he could do daily at three times my age, I could not endure more than a week in the country. In any case, due to the natural need for closer monitoring of his children due to his advanced age, he was convinced by them to come to the city. He lived a few more years and had all the dignified medical care that any citizen deserved, balanced diet and the children watched over that caipirinha he liked to drink from time to time. After he came to the urban world, he wasn't the same anymore.

5 tips to live better
Photo by Immortal Shots on Pexels

We will never recommend abandoning healthy habits. But we are also not going to ask you to give up what you think is good for you, and that doesn't hurt others, in order that it prolongs your life. As an old greeting of Arabic origin says: “may you have a long life and a quick death”, that is, may we live for a long time, but may it be a full life, instead of a slow death, resulting from an existence unhappy.

We suggest that you first drink lots of water, go for a walk daily and eat lots of fruits, vegetables and vegetables. In fact, you can start doing this daily. But we also recommend, as strongly as these suggestions above, that you strive to pursue what makes you happy.

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Despite the subjective limitation of what happiness is for each of us, here are five basic pieces of advice you can try to incorporate into your daily life:

1 - Travel more. Money is no excuse, as this is the only way you can lose money and get richer. You don't need anything too fancy, you just need to disconnect a little from the routine.

2 - listen carefully criticism and modestly praise. That way, you will always evolve and not stagnate.

3 - Whenever possible, solve the problems. Don't ignore them or put them off. If you can resolve it right away, do so. We don't know if it will have that same chance to act tomorrow.

5 tips to live better
Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels

4 - Never stop acting, but never act without thinking. Actions generate changeactions, this also applies to thoughtless actions. Like the law of cause and effect, a negative action generates a negative transformation and, consequently, twice the effort to resolve what if you had thought a little more, you would not have harmed yourself.

5 - be surprised! When you feel like it, or even more rationally, when you have a reason to act badly, do the opposite. If they curse you, be polite. If they betray you, be faithful. If they abandon you, be persevering. In a chaotic world, the law of cause and effect creates a demotivating domino effect for all of us. So it's exhilarating when someone, including you, breaks this transference chain of frustrations. The boss mistreat the man, the man mistreat the woman, the woman mistreat the child, the son mistreat the schoolmate, the schoolmate mistreat the mother, the mother mistreat the father, who is also the boss of the first mistreated man.

We warn that, unfortunately, life is a box of surprises. Nothing prevents you from having totally healthy habits and judging yourself 100% happy, then tragedy strikes and everything ends. Live intensely for when your last day comes, you look back and have the conviction that your life, regardless of how long it lasted, was really worth it.

  • Text written by Diego Rennan from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
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