5 Tips for Identifying Narcissistic People

They are arrogant, don't care about others and are always manipulating and controlling people with the wind. Know someone who is like that? Because that's how narcissists act, people who have narcissistic personality disorder, also called megalomania.

People who get involved with or stay close to narcissists tend to suffer a lot, because they impose a control and a need to be admired all the time, even committing a lot of abuse.

That's why it's very important to try to recognize the main characteristics of a narcissistic person, to avoid getting deeply involved with someone like that or to walk away, if it's not possible to stop the relationship. Check out 5 tips for recognizing narcissistic people:

1 – Arrogant and domineering posture

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the narcissist is a person with delusions of grandeur. He considers himself superior to others, as his abilities and achievements are worth more than the equivalent of conquering other people, who are all inferior to him, as he is the center of the planet.

That's why the narcissist usually has an arrogant and dominating posture. As he is correct in everything he says or does, he believes it should be accepted without question. In this way, he imposes his ideas, opinions and attitudes on others, who little by little become submissive to him.

5 Tips for Identifying Narcissistic People
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2 – They seek constant admiration

Because they need to convey this image of someone who is amazing and perfect, narcissists need to hear praise all the time. As they cannot be contradicted or criticized and they feel unique and special, they demand that the people around them are always applauding and admiring who they are.

The truth is, despite wanting special attention and admiration, they don't put any effort into earning it, so it's not like they deserve it β€” and that's where the problem lies. Therefore, they will commit abuses of the most diverse types and will, in the end, demand a β€œthank you”.

3 – Feel and show envy

Despite showing themselves to be superior, because of this arrogance cited in the previous topic, narcissists are very aware of their flaws and shortcomings. And it hurts them a lot and hurts their ego, because they would really like to be the perfect people they show themselves to be.

So when a narcissist meets someone who has an ability, traits, or ability that he would like to have, he expresses his envy. Often, he even criticizes the person and makes them feel wrong or bad just for being who he can't be.

4 – They don’t feel empathy

Narcissists are the center of the Universe. They are the only people that matter and everything they do and are is what matters. So the truth is, they just don't care about anyone! They do not measure the consequences of their attitudes, their arrogance and their affective irresponsibility.

And this all happens because they are not endowed with a characteristic that is basic to any healthy relationship, regardless of the type: empathy. Unable to put themselves in the other person's shoes or to sympathize with the other's pain, they can, by feigning empathy, even take advantage of the other person's moments of weakness to dominate them even more.

5 Tips for Identifying Narcissistic People
Khosro's Images / Canva

5 – Exploit people

As explained in the previous topic, narcissists are not capable of feeling empathy, but they know very well how to fake this feeling so that they are not discovered and unmasked by people. Because they don't feel any empathy, they dehumanize people, who become just objects.

And so, they start to take advantage and exploit people without even thinking about what it can cause in them and in their lives. For them, people are rungs on the ladder they need to climb to get what they want. Be aware, though, as they are fully capable of standing up for themselves or playing someone who really cares about you.

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If you've noticed that you're in a relationship with someone who has some of these characteristics, it's good to light up the red flag and rethink the relationship. If, unfortunately, you cannot walk away from this person, as in the case of family members or co-workers, at least be more careful that he does not manipulate you.

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