5 Signs You're Making the Wrong Decision

Making decisions is very difficult. One false step and you change your life and that of others. Driving after drinking, for example, puts your life and those around you at risk. Have you ever stopped to think about how you act when you need to make a decision? Can you imagine that certain behaviors can make you switch from feet to hands? The 5 attitudes below are signs that you are making the wrong decision. Read, do a self-criticism and see how to change.

very tired

Making decisions when we're tired is like driving after drinking. We need concentration to reflect and seek a rational solution. Tired body and mind are bad advisors and always lead us to wrong decisions. Never make a decision before a nice shower and a good night's sleep.


Another lousy counselor! In the eagerness to resolve everything quickly, we make wrong decisions. Stop and think before deciding anything. You need to be calm so you don't do something that brings you regrets.

5 Signs You're Making the Wrong Decision


Have you ever given up on going out, given up a job out of fear and regretted it? Fear makes us make wrong decisions because we doubt our ability. Always remember your positive points and face the challenges.

don't ask for opinions

No playing Wonder Woman or Superman and wanting to do everything yourself. Asking for opinions is no shame, you know? When we don't feel the confidence of a doctor, don't we look for another one for a second opinion? Making decisions is the same thing. Don't be afraid and ask for opinions, often those who see things from the outside see more clearly.


Out of prejudice, you exclude people from your life and put the innocent in the hall of the guilty. Before you consider being friends, dating, or judging people for not fitting your beauty standards, not being rich, or living in non-traditional neighborhoods, think about how you would feel if they did that to you.

Many things are at stake when we make decisions. Is that you? What makes you feel like you're switching hands and feet, and what do you do to reverse it?

Written by Sumaia Santana of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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