5 reasons why you need to have goals

Our life, unfortunately, is full of demands, pressures and deadlines. At work, in studies and even in hobbies and relationships… So does it make sense to impose even more responsibility when setting goals and objectives and fighting to achieve and conquer all this?

In fact, it's worth a lot! Unlike external pressures, your goals and objectives are meant to make you feel comfortable and develop, so they can help you a lot. Also, no one will charge you but you. So it's perfectly possible to take it easy sometimes, unlike other responsibilities.

To motivate you to set goals and understand the importance of it, we prepared this article with 5 reasons why you should set some goals and set out to achieve them!

give you a north

“For those who don't know where they're going, any path will do”, said the Laughing Cat very wisely, in the book “Alice in Wonderland. And isn't this feline with the smile right? Having a north, whatever it is, even if temporary, prevents us from wandering around aimlessly.

When we have goals and targets, this fact almost automatically creates a path that we can follow as long as it makes sense. Even if we don't reach the destination, at least we move around and explore the way around!

Avoid procrastination

When we don't really know what task we have to do next or we have too much free time, we often end up procrastinating. It is important, first of all, to understand that procrastinating and resting/having leisure are different things. You procrastinate when you feel like you should be doing something, but you're not...

That's why having goals, whatever they are, can help you waste less time on procrastination. Instead of wasting hours and hours on your social media feed, you can dedicate yourself to achieving one of the goals you've set for yourself, like studying a new language or taking up a new hobby you love.

5 reasons why you need to have goals
Nubelson Fernandes / Unsplash

Stimulates in small defeats

When we have a long-term plan, a robust objective and a goal that we can see from afar, even from a distance, small setbacks and small defeats are less valued and have less importance, because we know that we are going strong in pursuit of our goals.

Whenever something hits you or you have a bad day, your goals will be there to show that victory is just a matter of time and also to prove that you are on the way, that you have come a long way and are heading in the right direction.

Strengthens your individuality

Having personal goals is very useful for times when goals or situations in other areas of life go wrong. When you lose a job, see a relationship coming to an end, lose a loved one, among other situations, these goals will keep you steady and remind you that your value is very great!

Furthermore, in a society that encourages collectivity, like ours, having personal goals and objectives is essential for us to maintain our individuality. So more than having professional, relationship and family goals, you need to have personal goals and dreams, which only concern you.

Helps you understand your growth

Having goals is not just about waiting for the achievement to happen to celebrate and celebrate with you and your loved ones. Having goals is something that helps us see how far we've come. That's why it's useful to keep reminding yourself of the goals you've achieved and also reevaluate your current goals.

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When you reevaluate your current goals, you will realize how much you have already advanced and that you are, yes, being successful in this quest for improvement. For this reason, it’s important to track your goals with percentages, grades from 0 to 10, stars from 1 to 5… whatever makes sense, because then it doesn’t become a “I made it” or “I didn’t make it”, but a journey.

Well, those were 5 good reasons for you to start defining and developing your goals today, starting in search of your goals and observing how much you are advancing in life and following a path that makes sense and is good for you.

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