5 reasons to make your life more Zen through pets

That pets create bonds of love and friendship with humans, we all already know. But since 1970, several academic studies have emerged to prove the theory that animals can exert a very positive influence, with regard to the treatment and cure of diseases, and also in the improvement of the behavior of children with nervous disorders.

According to Dra. Edilene Petini, a veterinary doctor*, living with pets is beneficial, as it positively influences the immune system of patients. According to her, in addition to this benefit, living with animals is also very important for the development and psychological training of children.

β€œOur children are growing up in an age so technological that toys can be put away and not used again. Pets, on the other hand, require interaction for years. The child learns the sense of responsibility, caring for the animal and caring about it. This is a great opportunity for parents to practically teach their children a sense of responsibility.”

To reach a positive state of peace and wholeness, the experience of being in the company of an animal can bring highly satisfying results. So, let's check out five reasons that can lead us to this state of fulfillment through our relationship with animals:

1 – Improved mood

5 reasons to make your life more Zen through pets

When you are happy, two neurotransmitters come into play: serotonin and dopamine. They are responsible for controlling our well-being and also our emotions. Ever noticed how you change when you're around a pet? You stop everything you're doing to enjoy your dog or cat's games. All the irritations of your day are gone in the blink of an eye, and laughter and smiles begin to infect the atmosphere!

Your arrival from work will never be the same: your dog will have a big party with you! Reducing stress and anxiety are two very important factors in improving your mood, and animals will definitely help you!

2 – Beneficial for children

5 reasons to make your life more Zen through pets
Alicia Jones/Unsplash

Many studies show the benefits that animals transmit to children, especially for those who are hyperactive or aggressive. When playing with a pet, the child tends to calm down, as the play becomes a stimulus for the brain and the body, becoming light, imaginative and curious play for children.

If the child is encouraged to teach the dog tricks, for example, this will encourage his perseverance in teaching and educating others in a loving and efficient way, in addition to learning how important it is to take good care of all living beings.

Another benefit is educating the child to read to the pet. Many have difficulty practicing reading in front of their parents, perhaps because of shyness. In the initial phase, it is a great resource to encourage reading and relaxation, further activating the friendship between child and animal.

3 – Animals teach us forgiveness and to live in the present

5 reasons to make your life more Zen through pets
Other Taheri/Unsplash

Many animals were victims of abuse. But that doesn't mean they don't know how to forgive human beings. Even suffering, dogs or cats when adopted come to trust their new owner in a genuine way. In addition, animals infect everyone with their joy, showing that living the present to the fullest is the best medicine for life.

4 – Improves physical health

5 reasons to make your life more Zen through pets

Living with a pet can be very beneficial when it comes to allergic reactions, asthma and low immunity. Many studies claim that keeping an animal close decreases the susceptibility of these diseases. Blood pressure levels also improve in stressful situations, increasing longevity.

5 – Social life on the rise!

5 reasons to make your life more Zen through pets
Krista Mangulsone/Unsplash

Dog or cat owners are more likely to create and grow their circle of friends. It is not uncommon to see people renewing their friendships or finding a new love, for the simple fact of having an interaction between the animals in a daily walk. Family life also improves when there is an animal involved in different situations, as it attracts all the curiosity and attention to the little animal.

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Dr. Edilene Petini emphasizes that it is very important to observe and care for the health of the animal: β€œIn all cases, but especially in those where animals live with sick people, it is important that the risks are controlled. It is necessary to have a healthy animal, with care with food, vaccines, vermifuge and control of ectoparasites (fleas, ticks) always up to date!”.

* Dr. Edilene Petini is a veterinary doctor (CRMV-SP 10377) and has worked since 1999 at the Toca dos Bichos 24-hour Clinic and Hospital in SΓ£o Caetano do Sul.

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