5 plants that survive even in apartments without light

    One of the most common problems for those who like plants and live in an apartment is finding some that survive in environments without much light. Even though the balcony can have a lot of natural light, inside the rooms it is a little more difficult to find a place where they feel good and comfortable. Therefore, we separate five plants that can be a great option to have inside apartments or environments with little natural light. Check out:

    5 plants that survive even in apartments without light

    Saint George's Sword

    This plant, in addition to being very beautiful and ornamental, has the advantage of not needing to be watered so often. It survives well in both shade and sun, but it can be left indoors without much light and will survive without problems.


    Like the Espada de São Jorge, the Chlorophyte has very long leaves, but they are not rigid. It can look very pretty in a hanging vase. This plant needs a semi-shade environment and should be watered frequently.


    Zamioculca can reach up to 1 m in height and its leaves change their shade of green as they grow. So the mixture of shades of green in the leaves gives a very beautiful appearance to the plant. It doesn't need direct sunlight, so it can survive well indoors. In addition, it also does not need to be watered daily, which makes it even easier to have one of these at home.

    lucky bamboo

    Lucky Bamboo is a great choice of plant to have at home, as it is easy to find and usually has a very cheap price. It needs more sun than the other plants mentioned, but it doesn't have to be direct light. It can be close to windows, but without much sunlight, for example.

    Peace lily

    This plant is very beautiful to have at home, mainly because of the contrast between the white color of the flower and the green tones of the leaves. Another advantage is that it also doesn't need much light to survive. So, it can be a great option for internal environments of the house.

    These are just a few options to show you that it is possible to have plants even in apartments or environments without much light. To find other species that also survive in low light, look for plants that naturally grow on the forest floor, as they are used to growing without direct sunlight.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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