5 movies that will make you think

Watching movies with friends, family or even alone is always good, isn't it? Even more so when these films bring important messages to our lives.

Below is a list of 5 amazing movies that made me take a different view of life and the people around me. I hope you enjoy:

1 – In search of happiness (The Pursuit of Hapiness, 2006)

5 movies that will make you think

It seems that real life is a really good source of inspiration for movies. “The Pursuit of Happiness” gives an example of overcoming challenges based on the story of Chris Gardner (Will Smith), a family man with very poor conditions who does everything he can to overcome difficulties and give his son a better life. The essence of history teaches us that we must fight with all our strength to live better days.

2 – Waiting for a Miracle (The Green Mile, 1999)

5 movies that will make you think

Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks) is the head of the guard at a prison that has John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan) as one of its prisoners. Over time, both develop a relationship of friendship and gratitude, based on the discovery that the prisoner has a supernatural gift that is both mysterious and miraculous.

Based on Stephen King's work, "Waiting for a Miracle" deals with delicate and at the same time controversial topics, such as injustice, empathy, prejudice, kindness and sacrifice for others. The most important factor in the film is the possibility of innocent people being arrested, rather than actual criminals.

3 – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

5 movies that will make you think

What would you do if you could erase unwanted memories such as heartbreak, death of loved ones and friends, etc.? This questioning of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is addressed throughout the film. In addition to being somewhat rare, we have Jim Carrey in a serious role. The film goes beyond the value of memories, but calls into question the value of experiences in our lives—whether good or bad—and how much they shape our character.

4 – Comer, Rezar e amar (Eat Pray Love, 2010)

5 movies that will make you think

Elizabeth (Julia Roberts) is having trouble in her relationships. One day, she leaves everything — husband, job, friends — determined to live new experiences in different places for a year. She and she leave for India, Italy and Bali to meet again as a human being on a great journey of self-knowledge. The film portrays the importance of always maintaining our essence and never ceasing to be ourselves — even in the face of an often turbulent and busy life.

5 – Pequena Miss Sunshine (Little Miss Sunshine, 2006)

5 movies that will make you think

“Little Miss Sunshine” shows the relationships of a dysfunctional family: a detached grandfather in any way or good habit, a gay and suicidal uncle, a workaholic (workaholic) father, a neurotic mother and a purposefully mute brother. These are Olive's closest relatives, a lively and joyful girl who tries to fit into social parameters throughout the film. The work won several awards and was highly praised by critics, surprised to have director and screenwriter doing their first works in cinema.

Movies, literary works, series and documentaries often instigate us to think and live differently. And these five films are sure to bring you unforgettable messages.

So grab your popcorn and settle in because the show is about to start!

Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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