5 characteristics of spirituality

When someone defines himself as a โ€œreligiousโ€ it is a very generic term. Using Catholicism as an example, the religious individual can be that fervent follower of Opus Dei (hierarchical institution of the Catholic Church) or can also be that of the non-practicing Catholic, who is that person who defines himself as a follower of Catholicism, but who does not practices many of its teachings and guidelines. In many countries that have a more dogmatic relationship with Catholicism (Spain, Portugal and Italy, for example), those who define themselves as non-practicing Catholics would be seen as people with no religion, but as it is not our objective to judge who is an adherent of this or that, let's go to a much more subjective aspect of the human relationship with God: the spirituality.

According to one of several explanations of what spirituality is, one that portrays it well is the one that defines it as a human propensity to seek meaning in life through ideas that transcend the tangible, in search of a sense of connection with others. something greater than itself (divine), which may or may not be linked to a religious experience. In other words, spirituality is something much more than any book, literary work or teaching that someone transmitted to you, but a feeling that is present within us. "I feel like this is the right thing to do, I don't know why" it is a type of thinking that portrays our relationship with spirituality well.

5 characteristics of spirituality

Among the main characteristics of spirituality, here are five that define more or less exactly, depending on each person, this feeling present in different ways in each of us:

Love the next

Empathize with others and convey to the world what you would like everyone to share with you. There are many ways to do good, but the way to love your neighbor is unique.


It is very easy to monitor the corruption of others, but it is more difficult to monitor our own actions. Honesty present only in speech is hypocrisy.


Regardless of your religion, you don't need answers to everything. Believe until the end in your moral principles and that everything will work out. You materialize what you have faith in.


โ€œWhen a man is at peace, he doesn't want war with anyoneโ€, says an excerpt from a song. Through diplomacy and communication, seek to reconcile your friends and also those who claim to be your enemies.

Healthy habits

Carry out and apply healthy habits in your routine, ranging from food, physical exercises and also beneficial thoughts.

Text written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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