4 Perfect Websites for Curious People

    4 Perfect Websites for Curious People

    Do you often visit sites other than social networks? Sites that propose creative, fun ideas that entertain the mind? If your answer was no, we've selected some really cool addresses for you to include in your routine.

    • Forebeans

    This site reveals how many people in the world have the same last name as yours! It's almost like finding out how many people there are in your family. Pretty cool huh?

    • Ecological footprint

    On this site, you take a test to calculate how your habits affect the world and, from there, rethink your way of consumption and transform it into more sustainable attitudes.

    • How Old

    This one is really fun! You put a picture of yourself or someone you want to take the test and then he tries to guess the age and gender of the person in the picture. Cool, huh?

    • Time capsule

    This site is a dream for many people. You write a note for yourself to read 10 years from now! This is done by the site itself, which all this time sends this message to you.

    See how you can have fun on the internet at addresses other than social networks? The internet has many other uses besides watching and enjoying your crush's photos, right?

    Text written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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