4 exercises to fight stress and promote good mood

4 exercises to fight stress and promote good mood

Practice these exercises every day to gain flexibility and reach your maximum potential. The sequence lasts approximately 20 minutes, but you can adapt it to the time you have available.

Today we want to talk about emotions and how some exercises can relieve stress and worries.

We don't always have time to go for a run, walk or swim in the pool, activities that are very good for the health of muscles, joints and bones, and allow us to relax our mind. These exercises can be very useful, as they promote good mood without having to leave the house. They're simple, you require trips to the gym, and yet they provide big, important benefits.

To practice them, you just need a mat, pillows, comfortable clothes and good will.

Simple anti-stress exercises

It only takes 20 minutes for you to feel better. The exercises that we are going to propose provide you with the union between the body, breathing and emotions. Work on flexibility through stretching and you will find that this will relieve the tension built up throughout the day.

Focus on your breath, body and every movement you make, because this way you will be able to achieve the internal balance that will free you from stress.

The point is not to get tired to the limit of your strength to burn fat. That is not the purpose of this exercise sequence. The goal, on the contrary, is to achieve a good synchrony between the body and the emotions.

Worth trying.

1. Relax your back and relax your mind

You will see that it is a sequence of relaxing exercises, simple to follow. The first exercise needs two pillows (or a pillow and a blanket).

β€’ Lie on the mat.

β€’ Place a pillow in the back, more precisely in the lumbar region. (The bust should be elevated in relation to the legs).

β€’ Place another pillow under your head.

β€’ Extend your arms.

β€’ Cross your legs, with your knees open.

β€’ You will feel tension in your arms and back area.

β€’ Inhale for 10 seconds, hold the air for 5 seconds and exhale energetically. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

2. High belly

Another very relaxing exercise. In this one, you will need a small cube or a pair of hard pillows that will allow you to lift your buttocks and abs.

β€’ Once you have placed the cube or pillows under your buttocks, bring your knees together.

β€’ Extend your arms.

β€’ Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

β€’ This position, in which the head is lower in relation to the body, facilitates the circulation of blood in the brain.

β€’ Stay in this position for 5 minutes, respecting the respiratory rate of the previous exercise: inhale for 10 seconds, hold for 5 and then exhale energetically.

3. A little balance: legs up

To perform this exercise, you need a pillow and a cloth to cover your eyes and facilitate relaxation.

β€’ Lie down in front of a wall so that you can support your legs against it.

β€’ Place a pillow under your back.

β€’ The bust, again, needs to be higher than the head.

β€’ Cover your eyes with a cloth and extend your arms.

β€’ Relax for 5 minutes, performing the aforementioned breathing exercise (inhale-hold-exhale).

4. Shoulder Stretch

We end our exercise sequence with a specific stretch, working on the back, neck and shoulders.

Do it at your own pace, without forcing anything.

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β€’ Kneel on the mat.

β€’ Place the pillow on your heels and very carefully bend your back backwards to support your hands on the pillow.

β€’ Stay in this position for a minute, feel your shoulder muscles being stretched.

β€’ Relax, return to first position and repeat the sequence again.

This exercise sequence usually lasts 20 minutes.

And best of all: you don't get tired, as the purpose is to relax the body with stretching exercises along with controlled breathing, promoting the well being of the mind.

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