3 tips for winning over your loved one

When we like someone, there is no exact formula for them to win our heart. The person can be sweet, romantic, intelligent, sensible, captivating, good-natured and possess a series of other qualities, but still not be able to conquer that individual who aroused their feelings. The poem Quadrilha by Carlos Drummond de Andrade already said: “João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili who loved no one”.

Since there is no manual on the best way to relate or how we should be to please another person, there are some tips that can help increase your chances. For those who watched the movie “Hitch – The Love Counselor” you will understand this difference in theory and practice in love, because what works for the other is of no use to you in most cases. You might even think: “Hey, so all the advice and tips I read about relationships aren't going to help me at all?”, calm down, it's not like that either. There is no formula that will help you to conquer someone miraculously, but your chances can be considerably increased. How about we see some advice that can help you?


Believe in your potential. Have you ever seen a couple where one is very handsome and the other not so much? It is possible to overcome the beauty paradigm with confidence. Remember, first and foremost, love yourself above all else. If you don't love yourself then who will? After that, show yourself safe in every lunge you make. If you show confidence, it conveys the idea that you know what you are doing, in addition to having had success on other occasions, arousing interest in others.

3 tips for winning over your loved one

focus not present

Don't be put off by bad past experiences. The past is gone and the future is a mystery, so throw all your chips into the present. Just because you've been let down doesn't mean things will be bad again. When rolling the dice in the game of life, the number rolled in the previous round does not affect the new possibility at all.

listen more

As tempting as it is to try to show who you are, try to hold back that urge as much as possible and listen to what the other person has to say. Even more important is to interact based on what is said by her. If in the brief encounter such messages were chosen by the person to be said to you, then give importance to this and show interest. Preferably a real interest.

  • Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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