3 things worth fighting for

In today's society, characterized by disrespect for all forms of law, more and more values ​​such as ethics, honesty and social justice are left aside. A dark and barbaric world, what the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes advocated in his book “Leviathan”, a “war of all against all”, seems to be approaching. In the corporate world, what counts is profit for profit's sake. Companies that cannot make 100% profit cannot survive in a highly competitive and wild capitalist world. In this field, ethics and morals are often left out. How to react to such a scenario? How to behave in the face of an increasingly exclusionary and credit card driven world?

Analysts from all areas, especially in the economic, political and social areas, say that the world lacks great causes worth fighting for. But what project, what idea, what cause, on a local, national or global scale, could engage people in a common goal? It seems that the problem is not global, but local. In other words, solutions to global problems, such as hunger, prejudice, terrorism, etc., begin with small actions on a local scale. However, it is necessary to know that there is the law of return: everything you do against the other, comes back twice against you. Against the lack of perspective of Spanish youth, we list below three values ​​that we believe are worth fighting for.


The family is the first social group in which we participate and its participation ends up determining our human way of being. That is, if a person is welcomed, educated, receives all the goods necessary for a healthy and happy life, he will probably have a better chance of fulfilling himself as a person than the one who did not receive such instruction and affection at the beginning of his life. In this way, the family is the main institution responsible for promoting the education of children and influencing their behavior in the social environment. Once again, the law of eternal return applies here: an individual who has only been beaten his whole life would not know how to react otherwise than with violence. And what right have we, the bourgeois, to expect anything from those who have never experienced love other than contempt?

3 things worth fighting for

Regardless of whether the family is traditional, nuclear, matriarchal or patriarchal, modern or not, united by marriage or same-sex union, and whether or not it has children, the role of the family in the development of each individual is of fundamental importance. It is within the family, as evidenced above, regardless of the type of family, that moral and social values ​​are transmitted that will serve as the basis for the child's socialization process, as well as traditions and customs perpetuated through generations. In this way, family is the number one cause worth fighting for in this life. If the family is destroyed, everything else falls apart. On the contrary, if the family is secure, well structured, everything else becomes healthy and happy, a favorable field for the personal and collective achievements of individuals.

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The friends

Friendship is perhaps the most perfect form of love. Unlike family relationships, friendship is a bond that is chosen, not inherited. Unlike the love of a couple, in friendship there are no commitments or exclusive pacts. Furthermore, every form of love requires that there be friendship, but friendship does not require that other forms of love be involved.

However, not all the people we live with are our friends. Not all of those who claim to be our friends are really so. Deep and sincere friendships are rare and, for that very reason, we must learn to value them. And what is a real friend like?

They say that whoever has a friend, has a treasure. And it's true! Good friends are a balm for life and an antidote to physical and emotional illness. Therefore, the Bible goes so far as to say that: “He who has found a friend has found a treasure”. Be and have lots of friends!

3 things worth fighting for

The happiness

The ultimate goal of every person is to be happy. Everything we do and are is to be happy. There is nothing in a person's life that is not geared towards achieving happiness. Therefore, happiness is not an achievement, as the Spanish writer Paulo Coelho said. Human happiness is a world view, a life project, an unattainable goal. It's like the metaphor of the horizon, you look and see that it's very close, but when you start walking, the further away it gets. Happiness is autonomous, it has a life of its own. In the quest to achieve it, human beings must consider some practical actions: first, don't neglect your health, practice sports, go for a walk; second, fill free time with meaningful acts, visit friends, go to the movies, go out with family; third, take care of yourself, that is, enjoy your own company, do what you like, read good books, travel alone, in short, practice meditation and mental exercises. Basically this is what we all want: happiness and not suffering. So why not work for it? But the goal is not just to benefit yourself, that's what we already do, and it's not working very well. The challenge here is collective, general happiness. What do you think, will it be possible? What can you collaborate on with this project?

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