3 questions to broaden your self-awareness

    You may have already found someone totally lost in their actions. It is also quite possible that you see yourself like this at times.

    How many things do you do on the famous “autopilot”? Do you find yourself distracted, not knowing what to do? Or have you ever done something without “touching yourself”?

    I see people who stop in the middle of the supermarket aisle. They park taking up two spaces. They go in the opposite direction. That consume, consume, consume and are never satiated. Who spill meaningless or offensive words just because they need to express their “precious – and correct – opinion”. I see people who say one thing and do another.

    In another sphere, there are people who don't realize when a negative, self-sabotaging or judgmental thought invades... Who don't understand what is chaff or what is wheat.
    You do something because you love and have meaning or because you need to respond to someone else's demand.

    3 questions to broaden your self-awareness
    SIphotography de Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Who walk from one side to the other in the “rush” of every single day, but they don't know who or where they are going. So we were extremely tired. exhausted. Without guidance, lost.

    And one hour the body screams asking for a break. All this because, in most cases, it is very likely that we are in the past, in the future or distracted in any time that is not the here and now!

    We didn't come here for a walk — although we can enjoy it, with awareness and more fullness, precisely because we surrender to the Presence!

    Imagine all your energy spent in distractedly going through life, scrolling feeds, judging others and worrying about other people's opinions or facts that are not yet converting into attention to yourself?

    It changes everything. Attention is everything. Attention is care. Care is love. To be attentive is to be available, ready. It is being present and bringing into presence what we care about, the “object” of our consciousness. When we are truly present, we are more whole (being who we really are).

    3 questions to broaden your self-awareness
    Koldunov de Getty Images / Canva

    I learned in the exercise of Viola Spolin's theatrical games 3 basic questions for the “actor” – projected here as the one who acts, who does, who acts, that is: a position that we can all assume in our lives! Are they:

    • Who am I?
    • Where am I?
    • What am I doing?

    Just stop. To look at. To feel. Cultivate this habit in yourself as a first step.
    No Garden in Bloom, I give a little push, stimulating the focus and attention of the week, with art as an intermediary.

    From proposals with creative writing, drawings, movement, collages, weaving — all online, self-guided and with my accompaniment —, it is possible to perceive yourself in their creations, in their attitudes, in their thoughts, recognizing, welcoming and transforming their behavior patterns. You open your heart to true perception…

    At the end of each month, there are Questions to Unleash the crafted quality. It's a calm and introspective process, but one that generates this commitment to self-observation little by little, with the consistency that every implementation of habits needs. Simple actions that, when repeated, are incorporated into your routine and become a way of being.

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    Since I started these processes in 2015, the antennas have become more alert. Corrections get faster and faster, without judgment and self-punishment. Just noticing me. Feeling who I am, where I am and what I am doing at every moment. Living becomes more fluid and light.

    Come cultivate the Soul in Garden in Bloom

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