3 prayers to calm the heart

No person can control what they feel, even when the feelings are bad. Sometimes all we want is to stop the pain, suffering and anguish, but we end up feeling even worse. With a feeling of helplessness and loneliness, it is difficult to find the strength to get back up.

At times like these, when you feel a twinge in your heart, it's important to have something to lean on, like faith. Even if you don't believe in God, you can believe that there is a force greater than you that helps you in difficult situations.

Then when mentalizing this force that protects you and enlightens you, you must say a prayer that will soothe your feelings. But there is a right way to go about this process. Find out how to say a prayer to put one of our suggestions into practice.

How to say a prayer?

A prayer may seem like just a set of words. If you repeat it with that thought, it is unlikely to bring the effects you expect. That's because the greatest strength of a prayer is the faith you feel in saying it.

Therefore, when choosing one of the prayers we have prepared, observe which one fits what you are feeling. Then read each word carefully, calmly, in a quiet, private place.

By taking a deep breath between each paragraph and closing your eyes, if possible, you will feel the effects of prayer more quickly. Now just choose the one that looks like it was made for you next.

Prayers to Calm the Heart

3 prayers to calm the heart
West Kenya Union Conference Adventist Media / Unsplash

1) Prayer against anguish, fear and panic

β€œMy Lord, my soul is troubled: anguish, fear and panic take hold of me. Forgive me, Lord, and increase my faith. Don't look at my misery and my self-centeredness. I know I'm terrified because I insist and insist on relying only on my human strength, my methods and my resources.

Forgive me, Lord, and save me, O my God. Give me the grace of faith, Lord; give me the grace to trust in the Lord without measure, without looking to danger, but looking only to you, Lord; help me, O God. I abandon myself in Your hands, Lord. In them I place the reins of my life and the direction of my walk.

I believe in You, Lord, but increase my faith. I know that the Risen Christ walks beside me, but even so I still fear, because I cannot abandon myself entirely into Your hands. Help my weakness, Lord.

I know that the Lord can turn water into wine and stones into bread. I know that the Lord gives orders to the winds and the sea, I know that no bird falls to the ground without Your will and that the strands of my hair are all numbered.

I know, Lord, that you care for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, which they neither sow nor reap, and the Lord gives them food and clothing, which are worth far less than we are. I know all this, Lord, but my faith is weak. Forgive me, heal me and increase my faith, Lord! I do not give up looking for You and reaching a firm faith. Have mercy on me.

In Your name I lift up my head, Lord, and cast out fear and anguish from my soul. In Your Name, Lord, I will fear no evil, for I know that the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want. I know that the Lord is the protector of my life; so I will fear nothing. So be it. Amen."

2) Prayer to reassure a grieving heart

3 prayers to calm the heart
Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

β€œHoly Spirit, at this moment I come to pray here to calm the heart because I confess: he is very agitated, anxious and sometimes sad because of the difficult situations I am going through in my life.

His word says that the Holy Spirit, who is the Lord himself, has the role of comforting hearts. So I ask you, Holy Spirit, comforter: come calm my heart and make me forget about the problems of life that try to bring me down.

Come, Holy Spirit! Upon my heart, bringing solace, and causes it to calm down.

I need your presence in my being, because without you I am nothing, but with the Lord I can do all things. In the mighty Lord who strengthens me!

I believe and declare in the name of Jesus Christ thus: My heart be calm! My heart calm down! May my heart receive peace, relief and refreshment! Amen."

3) Prayer to drive away the desire for revenge

β€œLord, enlighten my eyes so that I can see the defects of my soul and, seeing them, do not comment on the defects of others. Lord, take sadness from me, but do not give it to anyone else.

Fill my heart with divine faith, to praise your name forever. Take pride and conceit from me. Lord, make me a truly righteous human being. Give me hope to overcome all these earthly illusions. Plant in my heart the seed of unconditional love and help me to make as many people happy as possible to extend their happy days and shorten their sad nights.

Turn my rivals into companions, my companions into my friends, and my friends into loved ones. Don't let me be a lamb before the strong, nor a lion before the weak. Give me, Lord, the wisdom to forgive and turn away from the desire for revenge. Amen."

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From the prayers we have presented, you already have three different ways to calm your heart. Remember that you can always ask someone you love for help in difficult times or seek psychological help if it is a long-lasting suffering. Enlighten yourself with positive thoughts and many blessings!

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