21 day forgiveness prayer

Have you ever heard of the power of the 21 day forgiveness prayer? Do you know who the kahunas are and how they deal with the act of forgiving? First of all, you need to know that “forgiveness” is a small word that has enormous power. Many people trivialize forgiveness and don't understand what it really means, but we can sum it up in one word: “liberation”!

Forgiveness is a voluntary and intentional act, in which a person decides to change their position and their feelings for someone who has hurt them. Forgiving means choosing to push away all negative emotions - you understand that someone has hurt you, but you don't want to hold grudges and feed evil feelings in your own being. Pay attention to the article and understand more about the importance of forgiveness and about the transformation that the 21 day forgiveness prayer can make in your life.

21 day forgiveness prayer
Richard van Liessum / Pixabay

What are the benefits of forgiveness for our lives?

To forgive is to free yourself. It's living today without suffering for what happened, without carrying an old weight that holds us from living the present and prevents us from being light to live the future. Forgiveness opens doors, it frees both our physical body and our mind. Those who do not forgive live trapped in sorrows that only harm the physical, mental and spiritual body. Forgiving opens a range of new opportunities, without trauma and without bitterness. Forgiveness is a beautiful act, which first benefits those who forgive.

Who are the kahunas?

The kahunas were the Hawaiian shamans, considered specialists in various areas of knowledge such as medicine, religion, fishing, astronomy, agriculture, among others. “kahu” means “guardian”, and “huna” means “secret”, but within shamanism “kahuna” means “one who is an expert in what he works”. Native Hawaiians still use this term to entitle priests and wise men within the religion.

When Hawaiian society was completely isolated from the rest of the world, the kahunas developed their own religious doctrines, with a great understanding of the spiritual world within each human being and the universe as well. Within the system created by them, there are several types of kahunas, who are responsible for certain areas of life; and, from this “division” of professions, they created practices for society and its followers to be able to evolve spiritually.

21 day forgiveness prayer
James Chan/Pixabay

The kahunas created a prayer of forgiveness that treats the act of forgiving as opening a path that leads to peace of mind. This prayer addresses an individual's as-yet-unsurpassed feelings and eliminates all resentments. This prayer of forgiveness for the kahunas must be prayed for 21 consecutive days without fail. This time is imposed because, for them, 21 days is the time necessary for a valid exchange of vibration to be possible.

Discover the 21-day Hawaiian kahunas prayer of forgiveness now and free yourself from your sentimental shackles!

Kahuna's Prayer of Forgiveness

As stated earlier, you must pray this prayer for 21 consecutive days without fail. As you chant each phrase, pay attention to your intuition. Think directly about what hurts you and what you need to heal. If it's a person, think about the person as you verbalize each word. Focus on the healing and peace you want to find!

“Seeking to eliminate all the blocks that hinder my evolution, I will dedicate a few minutes to forgive.

From this moment on, I forgive all people who have in any way offended, injured, harmed or caused unnecessary difficulties.

I sincerely forgive those who rejected me, hated me, abandoned me, betrayed me, ridiculed me, humiliated me, frightened me, deceived me.

I especially forgive those who provoked me until I lost my temper and reacted violently, only to make me feel shame, remorse, and inappropriate guilt.

I recognize that I was also responsible for the aggressions I received, as I often trusted negative individuals, allowed them to make a fool of me and take out their bad character on me.

For many years I endured mistreatment, humiliation, wasting time and energy, in a futile attempt to get a good relationship with these creatures.

I am now free from the compulsive need to suffer and free from the obligation to live with toxic individuals and environments.

21 day forgiveness prayer
Vector Xue / Pixabay

I have now started a new stage of my life, in the company of friendly, healthy and competent people. I want to share noble feelings as we work for the progress of all of us.

I will never complain again, talking about hurt feelings and negative people. If I happen to think about them, I will remember that they are already forgiven and are definitely no longer part of my intimate life.

I am grateful for the difficulties these people have caused me, which have helped me to evolve from the ordinary human level to the spiritualized one I am in now.

When I remember the people who made me suffer, I will try to value their good qualities and ask the Creator to forgive them too, preventing them from being punished by the law of cause and effect, in this life or in future ones.

I agree with all the people who rejected my love and my good intentions, as I recognize that it is a right that everyone has to reject me, not respond to me and keep me away from their lives.

(Pause, take a few deep breaths, to build up energy).

Now, I sincerely apologize to all people whom I have, in some way, knowingly and unknowingly, offended, injured, harmed or displeased.

Analyzing and judging everything I've accomplished throughout my life, I see that the value of my good deeds is enough to pay all my debts and redeem all my guilt, leaving a positive balance in my favor.

I feel at peace with my conscience and with my head held high I take a deep breath, hold it and focus to send a current of energy destined for my Higher Self.

As I relax, my sensations reveal that this contact has been established.

I now address a message of faith to my Higher Self, asking for guidance, at an accelerated pace, on a very important project that I am thinking about and towards which I am already working with dedication and love.

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I am grateful with all my heart to all the people who have helped me and I am committed to giving back, working for the good of myself and others, acting as a catalyst for enthusiasm, prosperity and self-fulfillment.

I will do everything in harmony with the laws of nature and with the permission of our Creator, eternal, infinite, indescribable, which I intuitively feel is the only real power, acting inside and outside of me.

So be it, so it is and so it will be.”

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