20 worthwhile intentions for 2018

    How is your relationship with year-end resolutions? People often have a love-hate relationship with this time of year precisely because of the dreaded “goals” for the year ahead. Perhaps the same few goals keep showing up year after year on your list. But no matter how you feel about this “end of year assignment,” setting intentions as the New Year approaches is a smart idea for maintaining a more balanced life.

    Remember: when your heart is your compass, you will be more excited and focused. So listen to what he's actually been asking for. There's a reason traditional resolutions don't last. Things like losing weight or paying off debt are good goals, but it can be hard to put your heart into it.

    If you really want to achieve new things in 2018, consider writing your goals with more heart and intention. Focus on the feelings you want to feel in the New Year and beyond.

    20 worthwhile intentions for 2018

    Instead of writing “lose weight”, make a resolution to feel good in your own skin by falling in love with your own body. It empowers you from the inside out, creating goals from your heart. If you want to feel more alive and present in your life, consider reviewing your New Year's resolution list.

    We do I Without Borders We’re going to help you build a goal list with more heart and intention, so consider these 20 tips as you sit down to write them down:

    1. Free yourself from what no longer serves you. That is, evaluate what is in your life just taking up space and does not allow you to find new things.

    2. Live less by force of habit and focus on actions with intention. In other words, start to realize what your most harmful habits are and turn your actions into intentions, acting more consciously with your existence.

    3. Improve your daily patterns. Start transforming what hinders your life and that you think there is no way to change.

    4. Look for the good in others instead of focusing on the bad. Remember: everything has its positive side.

    5. Understand that it's okay not to be okay. Life is not perfect! Not even you.

    6. Look in the mirror and like what you see. This is your body, this is your life, your existence: be happy about it!

    7. Be kind to yourself when you are learning something new. Slowly go further. With love for what you do, everything works out better!

    8. Rest easy not knowing all things and love this journey. Dive into the unknown to get to know yourself more and better.

    9. Stop apologizing. Mistakes come and go… Learn to forgive yourself when they happen.

    10 Let love guide you. This is the most powerful force in the world and only it can guide you to the right path.

    11 Stop accelerating what needs time to grow. Act calmly and sparingly.

    12 Know the difference between giving up and knowing when you've walked enough. Let enough suffice.

    13 Travel to that place that remains in your mind. It's in your heart for a reason.

    14 Trust you more. Your intuition is powerful! Let her act!

    15 Let go of who you think you are to become who you want to be. Now is the time to act!

    16 Give thanks for today, everyday. Gratitude is key to transformation.

    17 Don't worry about how your life looks. Instead, focus on how you feel. Let your emotions guide you too.

    18 Invite your inner child to play daily. Never forget to see the beauty in the simple things in life.

    19 Let yourself be who you are. Allow yourself to make mistakes, to hit, to fall, to get up... And follow the journey of life.

    20 Stop trying so hard to get to where you think you should be and see that you are exactly where you need to be. You are already everything you need to be!

    And finally, welcome 2018 with open arms and a clean soul!

    Written by Gabrielle Career of Team Me Without Borders.

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