20 Advice From People Over 60 You Won't Regret Hearing

"I know what I'm talking about", "Do what I say, not what I do", "I've been there and I know exactly how you're feeling".

I bet you've heard these phrases countless times and when we hear it from older people, you can be sure that they really aren't saying any of this in vain. Undoubtedly, older people have a great deal of experience in life and have a lot of property to advise younger people.

The phases have changed, people have changed, everything has changed, but the advice is timeless, it is true that they should not always be taken literally, but in a way, they can be applied at some point in life. Recently, a survey was carried out with seniors, over 60 years old, asking what advice they would like to give to people half their age, check out the unanimous answers here, you will not regret it:

20 Advice From People Over 60 You Won't Regret Hearing

  1. Do you know who is the most important person in your life? The most special person must be the one who has agreed to share with you the life you have chosen and who wants to share theirs with you.
  2. Take care of yourself first, don't do anything for others that could hurt you.
  3. Don't get carried away by material things, things are just things. Do everything at the right time, live the time without haste, enjoy the experiences while there is time.
  4. If you are in a relationship with someone, trust them. Trust yourself and the other. There are a lot of people wanting to sow evil and envy can end up destroying relationships.
  5. At work, you will never find a profession or service that will make you happy every day. A good job is one that gives you security and stability.
  6. There are certain days when we wake up tired of life, it is at this moment that you should stop everything, relax and pay attention to the good things that happen around you.
  7. Life is short, the years go by too fast, but don't be in a hurry. Don't get married early, don't cover yourself so much, travel, discover new places, do the things you like.
  8. Don't take everything to iron and fire, no matter how complicated the moment is, try to learn some lesson, laugh even at your traumas.
  9. Throughout life, we meet many people, but we have few friends. Cultivate the real ones, they are the ones who will help you when you need it most.
  10. When you have kids, make the most of it, enjoy every step with them. Children grow up very fast and lost time doesn't go back.
  11. Work hard, have your financial independence, but don't put it above priorities like family and your own well-being.
  12. Even if you don't have diabetes and heart problems, exercise and eat like you do, and you'll avoid these health problems later on.
  13. It may sound ridiculous, but brush your teeth and go to the dentist regularly, toothache is a terrible thing.
  14. Advice is just advice and should not always be taken literally. Listen to people, but put into practice what you really believe will do you good.
  15. Take care of your health, any problems you have now will likely show up again later.
  16. We have a set time of life, do what you want to do so you don't reach 60 without being able to fulfill your dreams.
  17. Cherish every moment and be grateful for everything! Visit your family members, take care of your family, take a moment for yourself, make that call you want so much. Enjoy, enjoy!
  18. Your name is your most valuable asset. Pay all your bills on time and get out of debt.
  19. If you have a dream, try to fulfill it as soon as possible, as the years go by, things get harder to achieve.
  20. When you meet someone, remember that you don't know anything about that person, all the stereotypes we create in our head are simply assumptions.
  • Written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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