15 Things Healthy Couples Do

Everyone dreams of finding the half of the orange, the better half, the person who will complete us for the rest of our lives. But, it's getting harder and harder to maintain a healthy relationship these days. We can say that the relationships considered healthy are those in which there is no abuse, manipulation, and there is no room for toxic behaviors and situations.

A couple that has a healthy relationship avoids having some behaviors and takes some essential care. Here are some of the attitudes that happy couples take in life together:

do not skip steps

Couples with healthy relationships don't skip steps, they live one at a time. This means that they experience both the bad and the good times they spend together and daily, they enjoy each other's presence. So they're not desperate to get to the happy ending right away. Live one day at a time, no rush, that's the way

conquest is daily

Perhaps the most important step in having a healthy relationship is understanding that the conquest of the loved one is daily. Happy couples still flirt and enjoy impressing each other, feeling loved and attractive. A compliment once in a while never hurt anyone.

Understand, crises and obstacles are normal along the way

Marriages and relationships in general are not always easy. Fights, moments of crisis and disappointments are part of anyone's path. So, when you see an elderly couple on the street, understand that, as happy as they are, they have certainly gone through these moments and overcome them.

Your happiness only depends on you

It is not healthy to place our happiness and other expectations on someone else. We shouldn't expect it to meet all our needs. Understand, that the pursuit of full happiness is something non-transferable and personal. It just depends on you.

share every moment

15 Things Healthy Couples Do

Healthy couples don't keep secrets from each other. They share their lives, their moments, their secrets and their fears. They are always honest with their partner, even though they know that there may be not-so-good consequences. Only in this way will they live happily and peacefully.

Do not be afraid

Couples in healthy relationships are not afraid to take risks, to really say everything they feel. To love is to take a risk, to give a chance to be happy. If you remain defensive, you will never be able to fully love.

never pretend

You should never pretend, show feelings you don't have. To be true is to be considerate, to be loving. Be what you really are.

Don't care about the opinion of others

People will not always have a favorable opinion of your relationship. But who said, that you need the opinion of others?

forget the past

Past is past. So, get rid of him. Don't bring into your relationship past mistakes that the two of you have already worked out.

Don't live in an exchange-based system

Never give something expecting to receive something else in return. Instead of thinking about what advantages you can gain from such an act, try to think about what you can do for your partner.

In joy and in sadness

As we said, happy couples share every moment, whether good or bad. In difficult times they support each other and are always with their ears and arms wide open to their partners.

Never try to change your partner's ways

When you first met, surely something about him caught your attention, didn't it? So why try to change your partner? Couples with healthy relationships do not criticize and do not establish defects in the loved one. They like each other for who they are and exactly the way they are.

Respect each other's space

Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean the other person is your property. Respect your partner's space and individuality.

grow together

In healthy relationships, both grow and still allow the other to grow, however they wish. There is no hidden intent and no sabotage of any kind. Thus, both have a chance to grow in the relationship, and in life.

One love cannot be cured with another love

It is common, in the age of digital media, to see relationships dissolve and soon, one of those involved, be involved with someone else. The pain of a love cannot be cured with a new relationship. When this one is really healthy, both learn from their pain, their mistakes and heal their wounds before looking for a replacement, another partner.

  • Written by Flรกvia Faria of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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