12 Essential Rules for Living More Like a Monk

While we live in the chaos of the city and get stressed about small problems, there are monks who manage to stay calm and balanced no matter the situation around them. After all, what's their secret?

Don't think that to be someone balanced you need to isolate yourself on a mountain and meditate 24 hours a day. But what we can do is learn by observing the behaviors and attitudes of Zen Buddhist monks and try to change some habits to live with balance and harmony, but without having to isolate ourselves from everyday life.

one thing at a time

12 Essential Rules for Living More Like a Monk

Zen Buddhist monks do one thing at a time. Forget about multitasking. Zen Buddhism teaches that the mind needs to be focused on each act you are doing at a time. If you do something while thinking about something else, you are missing the experience of living in the present, and that causes anxiety. A Zen Buddhist saying goes: “When you are walking, just walk. When you are eating, just eat.”

Everything has its speed

It's no use doing one task at a time and running out to finish soon. Everything has its proper speed. Learn to do each thing in your own time, without rushing. This practice increasingly leads to moving away from anxiety.

do it completely

12 Essential Rules for Living More Like a Monk

This is a lesson in focus. Whatever you're doing, focus and do it all. Don't stop in the middle to do other things. This is a workout for you to focus, concentrate and not let anything distract you. Interrupting a task in the middle without finishing it is like making a sandwich and eating it before you finish putting in all the ingredients. The experience and taste will never be complete on your palate.

do less

A Zen Buddhist monk is not lazy. He wakes up early and works late. But the difference is that he doesn't try to do more chores in the day than he can handle. He chooses the tasks and dedicates himself completely to each one. Doing less, but with full concentration and dedication is much more productive than having a lot of tasks and doing them in a hurry and without attention.

Organize your time better

12 Essential Rules for Living More Like a Monk

Don't put appointments and tasks in your schedule with a very tight schedule between one thing and another. Always leave a space between your tasks. This is measured so you have time in case something goes wrong and you don't have to run around and lose your attention on what you're doing.

do rituals

Zen Buddhist monks perform various tasks of the day as if they were a ritual. This helps to give more importance to even the most everyday jobs. Have a ritual for your tasks and see how they can become more and more pleasant to do.

Make time for certain things

12 Essential Rules for Living More Like a Monk

You need to learn to deal with time. We all only have 24 hours a day, including the monks. Therefore, they set aside an hour of the day for tasks that they want to commit to doing all the time, to become a habit. Set schedules and create the discipline to dedicate yourself to what you chose within the stipulated time.


Every day, have a time that you consciously meditate. You don't have to stand still for this, you can even be running or doing some physical activity. The important thing about this meditation is to have a time of day to bring your mind to the present and remind yourself that you live in the here and now.

Smile and serve others

Monks are dedicated to serving people and they smile at it. The smile is the recognition of how good it is to be able to help others and how it is also good for those who help. See others as important parts of you that you can help in some way.

cook and clean

Cooking and cleaning may seem like boring tasks, but you can think of them as a time for meditation. When doing these activities, bring your mind to the present, focus on what you are doing and see what a good time to train your mind can be.

Think about what is really needed

Watch your belongings. What is really necessary for you? Zen Buddhist monks learn to live with little and are happy for it. Much of what we accumulate during life brings us more problems than solutions. Always reflect if you don't have more than you need. And if you have, donate so you can help someone in need.

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Discover what's essential

What is essential for you? For some it's working and playing sports, for others it's having time for family and friends. There is no rule. What matters is that you reflect on what is really essential for you to be happy and eliminate what is not. Don't base your life on what others do. Discover what is essential for you and happiness will be on your way.

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