11 ways to cultivate gratitude

If before the act of giving thanks was restricted to religious contexts, this is no longer the case. Now it has become a recurring theme on social media, in articles, books and on the advice of some of the most renowned leaders in the world.

The topic has come to the fore with force in recent years given the influence of eastern cultures, such as the teachings of Buddhism that I cited earlier. It was clear that the association of gratitude with happiness also emerged from this. The famous Indian guru Osho says that unhappiness is impossible with gratitude. So gratitude is the cultivation of happiness.

And the true spirit of gratitude must not be related to what happens around us. Gratitude is more than a feeling, it's an attitude.

Just like any other decision, we can decide to be grateful. Gratitude is a posture we may or may not adopt.

As the Greek philosopher Cicero said: β€œGratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the mother of all others”. Virtues can and should be cultivated, and here I show you how.

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11 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in Yourself and Others Around You

11 ways to cultivate gratitude

1. Take time daily to reflect on the good things – Every morning, think fondly of all that you are grateful for in life. Thinking about good things reduces your anxiety level.

2. Keep a gratitude journal – Cultivate the habit of reflecting and writing down your reasons for being grateful. Your perception of good things and your well-being will be enhanced.

3. Thank yourself and celebrate your achievements – you really deserve it! Don't minimize your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Take the time to celebrate each one.

4. Write Thank You Messages for Family and Friends – Make it a habit to send a random thank you message (per day) to a person who supports you and is part of your inner circle.

5. Control your tongue! Try to talk about positive things – Avoid complaining so much. Try to shut up when you're angry, or write down your feelings of frustration on paper and then throw them away.

6. Quickly forgive them that have offended you - We all offend and are habitually offended. Make it a habit to forgive those who have offended you daily. Forgiveness is decision, not feeling.

11 ways to cultivate gratitude

7. Thank your colleagues and your work team publicly – In moments of celebration, don't forget to publicly thank colleagues who have supported you and helped you in carrying out your work.

8. Donate, tip and give gifts regularly – Try to cultivate generosity and donate (anonymously if possible) on a regular basis. You will be planting gratitude in someone's life.

9. Share with someone the reasons you are grateful – Spread positivity by sharing a specific example of something good that you are grateful for, but beware of boasting!

10 Celebrate the success of others and help those who are struggling – The success and happiness of those around you should be cause for celebration. Think abundance is contagious and avoid envy.

11 In times of crisis, reread your gratitude journal – Everyone suffers from bad times. So, feel gratified by the challenges, because they will serve as a lesson and help you to grow.

I hope these tips are helpful.

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