11 ways to be happier

    There are countless reasons to be happy. A smile from a loved one, a loving good morning, friends around, having fun, doing good for someone and feeling good. Being happy depends on you, on wanting to be well with yourself and, with that, squandering joy to infect other people as well. Are we going to know at least eleven reasons to go in search of happiness?

    • cause smiles

    11 ways to be happier

    Nothing better than causing smiles in the people we love well, isn't it? Whether it's a joke, good news or even a joke that even if it's not very funny, everyone bursts out laughing. Always practice happiness! And never think it's too late to smile or to induce someone to smile. Conveying joy is good for those who do and those who receive.

    • Forget the problems

    Free yourself from your problems. Dedicating 100% of your time to bad things is not good for the body and soul. Try to forget, even if it is for a while, all the problems. Smile at them. That way, everything is lighter and easier to face.

    • show confidence

    In the midst of a world with so much injustice, individualism and madness, it's hard to know who to trust. Show that you are a reliable person by lavishing positive energies, smiles and good thoughts. Thus, attract more good people to your cycle and happiness will be free.

    • make up for a mistake

    Do you have a bad conscience because you made a mistake with someone important? Don't think twice about apologizing. The delicacy of redeeming yourself when we make mistakes is essential to make us lighter and happier. Also, it's okay to make up for a mistake with dinner, a bouquet of flowers, a gift or a sweet souvenir. Think about it!

    • live more smiling

    It is already proven that those who smile more will have more time to live. What are you waiting for to laugh and have fun?

    Laughter ennobles the soul and soothes the heart. It is able to rid the human being of any irritation, even for a few minutes.

    • give hugs

    There isn't a person in the world who doesn't like a sincere and affectionate hug. Give hugs all the time. Don't put off these moments in your life. Happiness is in the smallest details in which we live. A hug can be a sign of love, reception, affection. Cozy feeling. A hug that shows emotion is already a good reason to go hug everyone now and be happier.

    • work and conquer

    A professional recognition is a great way to make a coworker smile. Always do everything the best you can. Do your best and be recognized. All accomplishments cause happiness in the human being. Dream and run after all your goals.

    • be satisfied with yourself

    Being in harmony with your body and appearance is important to achieving happiness. Try to take care of yourself and look in the mirror to feel good. It is necessary to be satisfied the way it is. And if you feel that something is missing, run after the damage and try to smile to yourself as much as possible. There is no greater happiness than being able to smile when you see yourself.

    • meet friends again

    11 ways to be happier

    Make that date with friends and go. Don't just leave it on paper. Having fun is the magic formula for happiness. When we are in good company, we live only for that moment. We don't think about problems or bad things. Letting go of irritations and smiling more is very good!

    • calm the soul

    Listen more and discuss less. Try to understand and listen to problems rather than criticizing. Talking is the best way to resolve any situation. When you have a healthy chat, it finally ends up in pizza, right? Calm the soul, let things happen in their own time and never despair! Be happy with simplicity, with the little things, people and feelings that make all the difference in our lives.

    • find a love

    A love is a beautiful reason to be happy. When we are in love, it seems that everything bad is erased and only the best things in our lives remain. Fall in love and reinvent yourself! It's never too late to love, to do good for someone and to feel good. Don't run away, let it happen and move on!

    We list here just eleven reasons to go in search of happiness, however, every day new opportunities appear that make us more smiley. A sad person has a compromised health. When we are in a state of recurring joy, our bodies feel better too.

    Written by Natรกlia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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