11 tips for a better life

In the midst of the day-to-day rush, between the tasks that tie us to a stressful routine and full of counterpoints and the famous lack of time, there is indeed the possibility of adding to the journey some activities that can bring more quality of life, well-being. being and health. Perhaps the secret lies in getting organized, rethinking habits and putting some daily exercises into practice.

We separate eleven tips to live better. Check out!

1. Food

Avoid eating processed products such as nuggets, cookies, soft drinks, artificial juice, among other ingredients of the genre considered poisonous to health. Always choose vegetables, fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet.

2. Physical exercise

You don't have to work so hard in a gym. If time is short, opt for light walks and even exercise at home; in addition to the improvements for the body, the disposition and animation to face the days will be more constant.

3. Water

Bordering on common sense, but of paramount importance, drinking water is fundamental to our survival. It assists in detoxification, eliminating toxins, regulates body temperature, leaves the skin more beautiful, groups and distributes the nutrients necessary for us to keep standing, helps in weight loss and in a multitude of benefits linked to the entire functionality of our body. It is recommended to consume two liters of water a day.

4. Green tea

The millennial drink is a powerful antioxidant asset that helps in the elimination of fat, as it controls metabolism, in addition to fighting cholesterol. It helps in digestion and has diverse properties, such as vitamins C, K, B1 and B2, potassium, manganese and folic acid. One glass a day is enough for disease prevention and weight loss aid.

5. Stretching

Stretching includes in your life the reduction of tension and muscle pain, combating stress, relaxes and brings tranquility, activates blood circulation, helps with the positioning of the spine, among other items.

11 tips for a better life

6. thank

People are always used to asking, but they hardly stop to say thank you. Gratitude implies the fact of being alive, contemplating a sunny day, socializing with pleasant people, the pleasure of eating something tasty and simply breathing. Thank what you already have so that good will flow and you can always reap it.

7. Meditation

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus while breathing. Anyone who believes that the meditative state is the absence of thoughts is wrong; this is impossible, for they do not end. In this moment, let go of yesterday and tomorrow and focus on the now, always watching your breath; that's where the secret to a good result lies.

8. Smile

Smiling increases your life span, helps to reduce stress and pain; lowers blood pressure and the risk of stroke. Activate the good mood in socializing with people! In addition to collaborating with productivity, life gets lighter.

11 tips for a better life

9. I am

Sleeping eight hours a day helps fight hypertension, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prevents obesity, controls diabetes, helps with work performance and strengthening memory, in addition to a series of factors that include physical and mental health. mental.

10. Steps

Can't do physical activity? Count your steps. There are several apps that help you count and the benefits are the same as a walk. Going down a point before or after home can help.

11. Sleep early

Do you want to improve concentration, mood, immunity, motivation, memory and the entire functioning of your body? Sleep early. This makes your body adapt and actually perform the necessary amount of hours of rest it needs.

With this schedule, you will add much more health to your journey and you will be able to get a lot out of your time.

Text written by Juliana Alves de Souza from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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