10 tips to increase your resilience

If you had to teach something you learned from the difficulties you've faced, what would you teach? Some people would say that we need to have the courage to overcome every challenging situation. Others would say that the help of friends and family is essential on these occasions. But there is also that group of individuals who would say that the secret of life is to have resilience.

Lately, the word “resilience” has been very widespread. It can be found in tattoos, clothing prints, diary pages, internet content and even advice from friends. Although we know that the meaning of this term is positive, can we understand what it really symbolizes?

After all, what does it mean to be a resilient person? Is it synonymous with never facing difficulties in life and having fullness as a constant state of mind? Is it to overcome any challenge with ease, without caring about tomorrow? Is it having the strength to solve any problem without help, like a superpower?

If the definition of resilience is not yet objective for you, before knowing how to practice it in your daily life, you must understand what it is. Next, study what characterizes a resilient person and see if you identify with that definition. Then learn why and how you can increase your resilience!

What is resilience?

In physics, resilience is the name of a property that some objects have. When they are able to return to their original shape after elastic deformation, for example, it is possible to measure how resilient they are. If even after a lot of deformation they can go back to what they were originally, then they are very resilient.

10 tips to increase your resilience
Keenan Constance / Pexels

From this definition, it is possible to understand how this concept applies to a person's life. In this case, instead of an elastic deformation, let's assume that an individual faces a very difficult challenge to overcome. Despite this, he manages to win and get back on his feet, as if returning to what he originally was — so he's a resilient person.

In this way, we understand that resilience is the ability to come back to yourself after a situation that could change you forever. It also means that a resilient person is true to who they are, and when facing a challenge and overcoming it, they are still able to be themselves, even if they encounter difficulties along the way.

Why should you develop resilience?

Overcoming difficult situations is the goal of many people, because no one wants to spend their lives accumulating worries and stress reasons. However, not all individuals feel sufficiently motivated to develop this ability on a daily basis. If you're feeling this way, find out what benefits resilience can bring!

A resilient person is able to solve problems more easily because he prevents them from happening. Both at work and in personal life, she will be able to set goals that are possible to be achieved, which will not bring moments of tension and bad feelings.

10 tips to increase your resilience
Maksim Goncharenok / Pexels

It is from this definition of realistic goals that a resilient person is able to learn more about themselves, about their own abilities and about the qualities they have that can be used in many areas of life.

Still, however, such a person may face difficulties, as some of them are unavoidable. Fortunately, this is not an unsolved problem for a resilient person. With good communication skills and good analysis of a situation, it will be possible to find a way to overcome the challenge that has suddenly arisen.

Added to this quality, the possibility of controlling emotions and impulses, which usually reveal themselves in difficult times. If you have everything under control or if you know the best way to resolve something that is holding you back, there will be no room for despair and anger.

Tips to increase resilience

Once you understand how resilience can make you a better person, find 10 unmissable tips to increase that trait that already exists within you!

1) Have a positive attitude

10 tips to increase your resilience
Alexsandro Calixto / Pexels

Perhaps you believe that in some situations it is impossible to remain optimistic. But what if you tried to do that? What could go wrong? When faced with a problem, take a deep breath and analyze it. How can it be resolved? Is this solution within your reach? Based on these questions, take action, if possible!

2) Understand the changes that happen

Nothing in life is permanent or unchanging. Changes will always happen, whether in a person's personal life, friendships, families, work or studies. So get ready for what's to come, without worrying so much about something that didn't go according to plan.

3) Be flexible

By being flexible, you will be able to better deal with the changes that happen in your life. An unforeseen event may not be so bad if you can look at it from a new perspective, understanding that it is still possible to find another way. Change and face the consequences of it without fear!

4) Learn to make decisions

10 tips to increase your resilience
Andrew Neel / Pexels

Making decisions can generate indecision, insecurity and fear. This happens because we believe that everything is final and that if we regret it in the future, it will be too late. But this is rarely true! Develop your ability to analyze a situation and make a decision about it. Running away from the problem will not help you solve it!

5) Fight to achieve your goals

By setting realistic goals, you will only need to list everything you need to achieve them. If you've developed it to this point, you know it's possible to do it, so all you need to do is get your hands dirty. Remember not to be discouraged by possible changes in the middle of your journey, because this is part of any process!

6) Maintain a support network

Friends, family and loves are essential for a resilient person. If everything is looking too difficult, you can always ask your support network for help. Make sure there are people who love you, understand you and are willing to help you deal with life more lightly.

7) Exercise your self-knowledge

10 tips to increase your resilience
Jure Širić / Pexels

With a daily exercise of self-knowledge, you will increasingly be able to understand your limits, your qualities and your flaws. Use this knowledge to be a better person, to deny what will hurt you, and to take advantage of opportunities to demonstrate what you know best.

8) Give out smiles

The act of smiling can transform a person's day, especially the one who is smiling. When you feel like everything is going wrong, think of something that brings you joy and smile. Use this positive feeling to motivate yourself in situations that are harming you and realize how your days will be lighter!

9) Take better care of yourself

In the same way that we do annual exams to check our physical health, we must ensure that our mental health is up to date. So don't keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself all the time. If you feel pressure, stress, depression and anxiety or if you can't solve problems, seek psychological help and take better care of yourself.

  • Find out if resilience is also a form of faith
  • 8 Mental and Emotional Benefits You'll Get From Developing Resilience
  • Discover the mental and emotional benefits of resilience
  • Delve deeper into the concept of resilience and learn how it helps you
  • What does resilience mean?

10) Incorporate good habits daily

Practicing physical exercises, drinking water every day and eating healthy are some of the habits you can incorporate into your daily life. With them, you will have more disposition, more strength and more incentive to face the difficult parts of life, in addition to being able to enjoy everything good that comes with more joy.

In this way, resilience brings benefits to people who decide to develop it. Thanks to this way of being and living life, a person can be more self-assured and more flexible, being able to solve problems more easily and forming a support network that is always ready to strengthen them!

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