10 sustainable attitudes for every day

Have you ever stopped to think how much garbage or waste we produce on a daily basis? With such a large world population, there is no way to stand it, it is necessary and a social duty to take care of the environment in which we are inserted, so attitudes that become sustainable are always welcome. Sustainability consists of making better and correct use of what is produced by us. Here are some sustainable attitudes so that we can start this practice and collaborate with environmental preservation.

Do not use plastic bags

Plastic bags are a danger to the environment, in addition to being disposed of incorrectly most of the time, they also take years to degrade, so it is preferable to use cloth bags or the famous ecobags.

reuse water

Reuse water from both rain and washing machines, which is the appliance that most consumes this precious, store the water and use it to wash the backyard, the car, the sidewalk, so you will be saving water and helping the environment.

make collective selection

Select the garbage, separate it correctly according to its composition, this helps when recycling products.

10 sustainable attitudes for every day
Shirley Hirst / Pixabay

Use public transport

In our daily lives, we produce excess carbon dioxide due to the number of vehicles circulating on the streets, public transport reduces this circulation and becomes more sustainable, despite the public transport system in our country being a little deficient, it is interesting to use it a few times and thus contribute to cleaner and healthier air.

use solar energy

The use of solar energy is by far a solution to the impacts that resign the production of electric energy, since it is a clean and renewable energy.

Decrease consumption of industrial foods

Industrial foods have an absurd number of preservatives, not to mention the excessive production of packaging and garbage produced to preserve and store these foods.

Reuse packaging, bottles and other…  

Use packaging and bottles for other related purposes after consuming the product, for example, a glass bottle can become an excellent vase.

Throw batteries and batteries in the correct places:

In several places today it is possible to identify battery packs and collection of the famous batteries, since it is very important to dispose of them correctly, as this product is extremely toxic.

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Grow plants, spices, flowers

One way to be sustainable and help the environment is through the cultivation of plants, it's a completely ecological and welcome attitude!

save electricity

Saving electricity is always very good, in addition to saving your pocket, it also helps the environment, keep lights off, remove appliances from the socket and take colder showers on very hot days.

Text written by Giulia Machiaveli da Silva from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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