10 Qualities a Woman Must Have to Be a Good Leader

In the article Be an ultra-productive professional we say that women are the majority in the job market. Still, their presence in leadership positions is small. In Espaรฑa, the number of women in the role of CEO (Chief Executive Office), a professional responsible for the strategic vision of a company, rose from 5% in 2015 to 11% this year. In the financial market, the increase in women's participation in leadership positions had the same increase.

Corporations believe that women are emotionally incapable, however, the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN arm that develops and enforces labor standards, points out that women in leadership positions increase profitability. Another positive point of them is the care taken in harmonizing the teams.

Do you know where you want to go, but don't know how to go about it? Here are the 10 essential qualities to be a good leader:

1. Credibility

In the professional field, you need to show others that work will be delivered with excellence and on time. As a leader, you shouldn't let your personal problems interfere with your routine, in addition to giving strictly professional feedback and not listening to gossip.

2. Organization

Writing down schedules on pieces of paper is not enough. A leader uses note-taking apps to gather notes, drafts, and information for consultation. Thus, you create reminders for meetings and other activities in the company. Good leaders start the week already knowing what appointments they will have and their schedule. Those who organize themselves can plan and find ways out for unforeseen events.

3. Family planning

Women with children need it. Have a specific schedule for the house and plan the week. Define what time you will wake up and how you will do the tasks (coffee, tidying up the kids, etc.). Decide if you are going to pick up your children from school and the times. If you hire a maid, combine check-in and check-out times. You can set medium-term goals (between 3 and 5 years) and long-term (between 5 and 10 years) and distribute the activities into five groups, according to coach Villela da Matta. Check each of them:

  • Personal and professional priorities: courses that take up one hour per day.
  • Close family and friends: activities with medium and long-term impact on the lives of children, partners, parents and friends. Playing with the children, following their school life, visiting their parents, going out with the husband.
  • Good but expendable activities: programs that add nothing to the future, such as happy hour, shopping and watching television. Leave these activities for when you finish the tasks in the first categories.
  • Delegates: activities that can be done by other people, grocery shopping is an example.
  • Removable: time that you can't achieve goals or have fun, like time lost in traffic. Take the opportunity to listen to an audiobook, for example.
4. Employee management

10 Qualities a Woman Must Have to Be a Good LeaderLeading a team is difficult, different personalities and ideas can cause conflict. More than putting out fires, the leader must harmonize the group. First, be clear about the company's routine and expectations, collective and individual feedbacks are also on the list of employee management.

5. Self esteem

If you don't trust yourself, who will? You need to be aware of your personal and professional qualities to convey confidence to your subordinates.

6. Power of communication

Good leaders know how to communicate. For this, it is necessary to know your employees and adapt your strategy.

7. Persuasion

Persuasion will make you win projects, close deals and implement changes. Use the positive side of this quality and you will be a respected leader.

8. Take responsibility

True leaders know that everyone has their share of responsibility, right and wrong.

9. Adaptability

Those who ignore technology are left behind. No one can beat it, so why not make the most of technological advances? Fast computers, applications and equipment increase production if used responsibly

10. Proximity

Women leaders are closer to their employees. They like this contact and know that each person is unique and deserves special attention.

With your dedication and our tips, you will be a great leader. Tell us about your journey to leadership (or is it going).

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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