10 practical things to learn right now

This year, how about putting into practice some things that can help you in essential moments, things like:

1. Save money:

10 practical things to learn right now

You don't have to save a huge amount, just save a little to take that trip you've been wanting, or buy a lipstick or shirt you saw, but at the moment it's difficult. Experts indicate that you should save at least 10% of what you earn so that you can always have something available when you need it.

2. Avoid credit card or huge installments:

Nobody can stand to pay infinite installments or leave everything for later, there are certain things that it is more practical to save and pay directly in debit so you avoid debts or entries on the card limit, joining this with tip 1 it is possible to purchase whatever you want without having to worry about paying later.

3. Meditate:

Starting to meditate is something to think about, meditation helps with concentration, focus, balance, avoids unnecessary stress and allows for a lighter life. A few minutes a day is enough, you don't have to spend hours and hours meditating.

4. Cook:

10 practical things to learn right now

If you don't know, it's never too late to learn, things like rice and beans are key, cooking can be very good, you can make healthier foods and avoid fast foods, and too many restaurants.

5. Save time on tasks:

Spending hours and hours on the same thing is tiring, manage your time and allow yourself to have more than just the hours to sleep, in addition to work. Every 25 minutes, pause and drink water, stretch for five minutes, then return to what you were doing, this helps you have more concentration and increases your productivity while performing the tasks, don't forget to pause for 30 minutes this also helps and reduces fatigue.

6. Not multitasking:

While you wash the dishes, the laundry is to be washed, and the food on the stove, and the conversation on the cell phone open, get rid of it. Nobody is multifunctional, don't try to do a lot of things at the same time, get organized, it makes you less tired, and you have more concentration on what you're doing.

7. Play sports:

Really practice a physical activity that is essential for health. See what suits you best.

8. Learn basic utilities for home:

Changing the faucet, shower resistance, installing outlets, you never know when you will need these little activities.

9. Read:

Lack of time is no excuse, read, but read what interests you, books, magazines, read when you are in line, or before bed. This is important, reading is a moment of introspection and where knowledge is gained.

10. Being Social:

You don't need to post photos or tell us everything you're doing, but interacting on social networks today is something important, sharing your ideas and points of view, it helps to socialize better with people, not to mention that many companies today check the networks of their candidates and take this into account when hiring.

Text written by Giulia Machiaveli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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