10 lessons from strong women

Who has never had difficulties in life? We've all had our moments when we thought nothing else would work out or that there was no solution. The most important thing is to look back and remember that these moments have passed, are behind us and we were able to overcome them.

From any experience, be it good or bad, some learning is learned and that is what moves us in life. With each new situation and/or challenge, even if unconsciously, we use our baggage acquired in previous situations.

A direct influence, for example, is when we meet someone new and soon identify or not with that person. This is due to the knowledge of her reaction and behavior with other people of the same style, so you will know whether or not you will have a good relationship with her.

Another situation could be a fight. Couples who always fight for the same reason insist on the same mistakes and ignore what has been passed before, however, poorly resolved.

The women

Any individual, whether male or female, learns from their mistakes and has a load of knowledge. However, women are demonstrably more attentive to this type of situation.

This means that the female gender tends to pay more attention to what has already happened and taught them a lesson. Men tend to be more "disconnected" and don't cling to reasons for fights and others, so they tend to make the same mistakes without even realizing it.

female experience

Through blogs, conversations and surveys, it is possible to identify some common experiences for women and their main lessons in overcoming and coping. We have selected some of the most important ones to exhibit here, check them out:

look forward

Every strong woman has big dreams, thinks big and doesn't fear the path of her goals. The strong woman prioritizes her will and doesn't care if the path is long or short, she just faces it.

let go

All the people that pass in our life, arrive to add something. Relationships are not eternal, nor the presence of people by our side. Therefore, it is wise to take advantage of everything that company can provide you, when present in your life, as well as letting it go when necessary.

Losses can be very painful, but for those people who recognize the growth gained, leaving can also mean something good.

don't fear the new

Not being afraid of novelties is quite a quality. Being able to engage in new projects, meeting new people and places, whether professionally or personally, makes us grow.

It is essential to feel comfortable with new challenges and confident in yourself.

is independent

A strong woman is an independent woman. All the time we spent at our parents' house brought us a huge amount of baggage and formed our character, now it's time to live for yourself.

Nothing is as important as having your own life, your own livelihood and not depending on anyone to carry out your projects and achievements. Women run after what they want and can, by themselves, achieve many goals.

10 lessons from strong women


We are not afraid to dare, we know that new opportunities may or may not work out, but we are already prepared to face any kind of result. The thinking is always positive and so is the attitude. Regardless of what happens, we will know that we tried and we will be proud to dare once more.

take care of yourself

Strong women know the importance of taking care of themselves. Only a strong, well-fed and well-groomed body will allow us to carry out all those activities that we are assigned to. In addition, self-esteem is a very important factor to be an active and happy person.

have compassion

In addition to taking care of yourself, you know how to take care of others. He pays attention to those he loves and helps whenever he can.

Value every experience

Great women value every situation they've been through in life and the experience they've been able to get out of it. They take all their learning with them and know how to identify, in every detail, the best way to act.

Do you know how to enjoy solitude?

Even when we feel alone, we know how to enjoy this moment. We make solitude a form of self-knowledge and a time to take care of ourselves, as well as a way to understand each other better.

oil to stay

Personality women accept to fall. They recognize their mistakes and accept them without fear. They know the need to keep going and make the failure another lesson.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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