10 attitudes that raise your energy vibration and help you attract positive things

I'm going to give you 10 tips that will help you raise your vibration. I don't think there is a ready, closed and finished list that will work for all people in the same way. Each one has habits, tastes and behaviors that raise their vibration. No one knows better than you to know what really makes you feel good, but I'll give you some tips here below. If you adopt them daily, they will certainly do a lot of good to raise your energy! However, find in these or others that you prefer some motivation to do, but do it! The important thing is to feel good! Always remember: there are no changes without attitude, effort and discipline! So, on to the tips:


Gratitude is a key factor in raising the body's vibration, improving energy and attracting positive things. Get in the habit of giving thanks for everything you own! Look around you and start giving thanks mainly for the things you think are simple and natural, but be thankful! Be an infinitely grateful person! Don't focus on what you lack; focus on you already own! Focus on the positive, the beautiful and the good! Try to see the bright side of everything! And don't wait to say thank you only when you get what you want so much! Thank you right now! Are you alive! That alone is enough for gratitude! Only then will you be ready to receive more. β€œGive thanks for the little and the much will be given to you!”.

positive affirmations 

Affirmations are interesting because as you repeat them, your subconscious registers them. If you do this often, over time you will believe it to be true and start to act like it, consequently attracting situations that are in the same harmony. So every day repeat to yourself that you are unique, magnificent, blessed, protected, wonderful, strong, healthy and that you have the right to conquer all that is best in the Universe! If you are here, it means that the Creator has determined. Honor it! And be aware that the best will come day after day!


10 attitudes that raise your energy vibration and help you attract positive things

Prayer is wonderful for connecting to God and our faith! It brings peace, calm hope, serenity and confidence. Those who pray know that they are never alone. Choose the best time and do it!


Breathing oxygenates the brain, relieves stress, reduces anxiety, is good for the heart and all cells in the body and improves immunity and mind.

Get in the habit of taking several deep breaths throughout the day! Start in the morning, before you even get out of bed! Then do it in between your daily activities and do it before bed too! Yoga is excellent for teaching us to breathe better. If you see this possibility, invest in it and enjoy its benefits!


Dedicate at least one day a week to relaxation! Relaxing is simply doing nothing for a moment. It's letting go of all worries for as long as you want. There are several free guided relaxations on YouTube. You don't have to do anything other than just lie down, listen and treat yourself. Do it! You deserve!

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