10 attitudes that can transform your day and the next

With eyes focused on the pandemic and social isolation, issues related to the promotion of improvements in living in society are highlighted in the media, on a large scale. Thinking about objective ways of how it is possible to transform our day and that of the next invites us to observe how effective the results can be caused by small individual actions that are easy to adopt in everyday life.

We reconfigured ourselves, the stay at home is almost integral, the home office has brought pros and cons, but in the midst of all this mess, simple activities and attitudes are actually some of the essential and determining factors for changes, in fact, to be significant. Check out some of them:

Give thanks

When we give thanks, the universe understands that we deserve it in abundance and gives us double everything. It is not enough to just say thank you to those who provide us or offer some service. Valuing what we have, contemplating the sunset, visiting family, blessing food and the senses that allow us to enjoy the beauties that surround us are some of the reasons for which we should be grateful. And the list can get immense, you bet!

Convenient to gentileza

Due to the news and information we receive about the world, we distance ourselves from the image, from conceiving a scenario where all beings will be treated equally. However, we keep remembering that being kind is a personal condition capable of causing strong impacts on the collective. Exercising such a characteristic doesn't require so much effort. Gestures such as cordiality, greeting the neighbor, listening, smiling, praising or surprising someone special greatly transmute the atmosphere of the environment.

be present

Living devastated, amid the chaos of the coronavirus, has put many people's income down, legally unbalancing the progress of the routine. And it's not for less. Keeping the mind, body and spirit in order in an integral way requires a lot of balance, and the lack of focus greatly compromises the quality of what we are doing or saying. Focusing calmly on tasks, listening carefully, paying attention to the company around us is an invitation to witness the gift of living in the present. Celebrate Now!

10 attitudes that can transform your day and the next
Andy JARRIGE / Pixabay

make donations

Learn to let go of what doesn't match your current experience and donate. Take the opportunity to clean the wardrobe, separate shoes, coats, blankets and forward to those who need it. There are several support networks spread across the country (and on the internet) receiving donations, withdrawing on the spot; what is not lacking is an option. If the tide is not good for donations, look for volunteers, put your hand in the dough or part of your time; he is valuable!

Conscious consumption

According to recent studies by the Global Footprint Network (GFN), responsible for calculating the “Ecological Footprint” of human actions left in the world, the Earth exhausted the limits of the planet's natural resources in 2019. selective collection (facilitates the work of collectors), saving energy, paper, water, donating, reducing the consumption of plastic and meat contributes to the creation of a generation that is more aware and concerned with helping others.

Therapy with gardening

Creating connection with nature helps to ground thoughts, bring them to a positive sphere, renew energies, brings us closer to the divine. In a period of isolation, cultivating a garden is a fun and low-cost invitation for those who seek alignment and balance. Its therapeutic benefits help to reduce stress, mental fatigue, improve concentration, and also contribute to the treatment of depression. A vase is a good start.

Take time to breathe properly

Breathing is an inherent mechanism of the human being, however, in the rush of everyday trivialities and emotions, perhaps the frequency with which we do it wrong is overlooked. Among the problems caused by poor breathing are anxiety, sleep disorders and low blood pressure. For these and many reasons, the ritual of breathing in through the nostrils, filling the lungs and releasing oxygen has to be repeated as a mantra correctly to keep us alive and stable in the physical and mental fields.

inspire other people

With the advent of social networks, sharing content has become commonplace among us, as a new norm of modernity. We spend long hours connected, we conquer a certain freedom when expressing ourselves, and what we consume and share online can indeed influence the network of contacts we have. Inspire, motivate, entertain, exchange ideas, reflect. Inspired people are also capable of inspiring.

10 attitudes that can transform your day and the next
Alfonso Cerezo / Pixabay

Think positive

Negative and pessimistic behavior towards life only delays the arrival of opportunities to celebrate it. Cut off the cursing, the gossip, the cursing, cursing and complaining from your mouth; this is a type of exercise to be done daily as soon as we wake up. Whatever the challenge, optimism and confidence will attract our desires at the right time.

Sow to reap, reap to sow

The law of return is relentless when it says that what goes around comes around. The popular saying briefly defines the essential ingredient contained in the tips presented here: sow good wherever you are, have empathy, cultivate noble feelings such as love, friendship and joy. A good path brings us only good fruits and makes our relationships much healthier. Take care of the planting!

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Hassle free and paraphernalia free, adopting a new attitude can be easier than you think. A little dedication and willpower are enough to enable better experiences in our atmosphere. It doesn't hurt to try.

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