10 amazing women talks that will change your life

10 amazing women talks that will change your life

Needing to hear motivating words that encourage you to go further? Have you ever heard of TED? It is a non-profit organization that emerged in 1984, in California, and that constantly receives big names, whether famous or not, to talk about the most varied topics.

With the slogan “Ideas worth spreading”, the lectures last up to 18 minutes. Content is usually made available for free on YouTube. Thinking about sharing knowledge and new experiences, below are some suggestions of incredible talks that can change your life — and in detail: all given by great women.

1. Lecture – “Your body language shapes who you are” – Amy Cuddy

Have you ever noticed that the way people gesture or move has everything to do with what they're thinking and feeling? Body language is much more important than you might think. It has a direct connection with our personality and our feelings. So watch this talk from a body language expert and change your attitude in life right now.

More about Amy Cuddy:

2. Lecture – “No more fiu fiu! Singing is not a compliment” – Juliana de Faria

If there is a woman who walked around on the street and didn't hear an out-of-context and very disrespectful song, that woman is a rarity... The lecture is a warning against sexual harassment in public spaces. This was a campaign that took off and gained great national repercussion, giving even more voice and space to women.

More about Juliana de Faria:

3. Lecture – “Why do we have so few leaders?” – Sheryl Sandberg

Yes, women began to occupy the labor market and this is a path of no return, but we are still far from seeing the same salary conditions for men and women and also women occupying leadership positions as much as men in companies. In this talk, billionaire and Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg explains why the percentage of women who hold top positions in the market today is still much lower, compared to men. During the talk, she suggests three pieces of advice for women who want to become leaders.

More about Sheryl Sandberg:

4. Lecture – “Women can improve the world” – Ana Lúcia Fontes

We live in a world ruled and led by men for centuries. Answer honestly: do we live in a good world? It is from this premise, that women can improve the world, that the founder and president of Rede Mulher Empreendedora, the first and largest support network for women's entrepreneurship in Spain, starts to show that when a woman occupies a prominent space, she opens up more space for other women. Representation is everything!

More about Ana Lucia Fontes:

5. Lecture – “Transformation and sexuality” – Selma Light

Today it is no longer surprising to talk about transsexuality, diversity of sexual orientation and even about agender people, for example. In her talk, actress and presenter Selma Light tells the story of the discovery of her sexuality and details the physical and psychological transformations a transsexual goes through during her transition process.

More about Selma Light:

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6. Lecture – “It's time for porn to change” – Erika Lust

Enough of the clichés and standardization of porn movies! No more treating the female body as an object! These are some of the impositions of screenwriter and director of adult and pornographic films, Erika Lust, pioneer of the so-called feminist porn. Erika produces sensual films with scenes that are more faithful to the real world and based on testimonies of ordinary people. In her talk, she warns about the need to have more women involved, especially behind the scenes, in this industry that influences the sexuality of many people.

More about Erika Lust:

7. Lecture – “Let the girl's hair out in the world” – Diane Lima

How many times have you heard curly or curly hair called “bad hair”? Have you ever stopped to think about the impact that this expression has on the self-esteem of black youth and adolescents? In this lecture, activist Diane Lima talks about the process of accepting her own hair and about what can be done to make girls who don't have their hair pinned up by the standards of social networks deal with their self-esteem.

More about Diane Lima:

8. Lecture – “Success, failure and the motivation to continue creating” – Elizabeth Gilbert

Nothingness is one of the scariest things in the world. While it represents a complete absence, it also symbolizes an opportunity to build whatever you want. It's scary, but beautiful and motivating. From her memoir, “Eat, Pray, Love”, American writer Elizabeth Gilbert recounts how she left behind a divorce to find herself on a trip around the world. In this talk, she shares a little bit of her process of recovery and reunion with herself and talks about how to find the strength to move on after defeat:

More about Elizabeth Gilbert:

9. Lecture – “5 ways to kill your dreams” – Bel Pesce

Darling of Spanish entrepreneurship, Bel Pesce claims to have managed to make her fortune and her international fame by believing in her own dreams and projects. Believing in her dream, according to her, is the only possible first step towards realizing it, but, in the midst of our routines, how many times do we sabotage ourselves and fail to achieve what we dream of? In this lecture, Bel Pesce talks about self-sabotage and the attitudes we take that kill our dreams:

More about Bel Pesce:

10. An Epidemic of Sick Beauty – Renee Engeln

There is a maxim that says that women are not given the right to grow old, since they need to follow a life script that is almost always defined by men, which includes finding a husband and a job, but even so taking care of the house, having children, take care of him almost alone and, even so, remain beautiful, beautiful and hot. This suffocates many women and destroys their quality of life. That's what psychologist Renee Engeln explains, who calls herself "beauty sick", as she also feels pressured by these standards. But how to fight them? She can help!

More about Renee Engeln:

In such a sexist society and where men speak louder and have much more space to express their opinions, listening to women is not only refreshing but necessary. Give these talks written and presented by women a chance and share the feminine wisdom!

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