10:10 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

Are you feeling an emotional roller coaster? Are you going through ups and downs with no explanation for it? Here is a sign that you are in a process that we call the awakening of consciousness.

The time has come to align the desires and movements of the soul with the desires of the conscience with the person you are being in your outer world and, therefore, it ends up generating a certain anguish that screams from inside your chest.

When you see the number 10 or the hour equal to 10:10 a lot, this is a call to definitely wake up to your own life. Let's see more about this.

The meaning of number 10

We arrive at the first number which is the junction of two digits or pure numbers. The formation of 10 comes from the number 1 and a 0, which, in the qualitative sense, is the junction of the initiative with the intensity placed or that needs to be placed to be worth the action taken back there. And to know what this 10 really means, you need to assess the situation in the present moment, and that takes courage!

No wonder the number 10 refers to emotions and feelings, which are fluid. To have concrete results in life, action is needed. To measure the results of this action, it is necessary to have perception. To have the correct perception, it is necessary to feel and, therefore, to have the balance of emotions and feelings.

This number works as an internal compass that alerts us if we are on the right track of the actions taken or if we need to adjust the route.

The numerological meaning of 10

In Numerology studies, added to the tarot archetypes, the number 10 is represented by the arcane The Wheel of Fortune, which represents the cycles and dynamics of life: life, death and rebirth; past, present and future; change and evolution. Wherever you go, this arcane represents instability, generating the need for constant movement.

It can represent the action of fate, which is nothing more than the consequences of choices made in the past. If these aren't positive, it's time to accept them and correct them from now on. It is the first base of change in the journey of the tarot arcana. It's the need to keep moving and changing whatever it takes to keep progressing.

10:10 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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What does it mean to see 10:10?

Seeing this equal time is clearly a call from your unconscious to listen to your inner self, quiet your mind and heart to get clarity on what inner change you need to make to generate change or movement on the outside.

Would you be willing to change jobs and not feel so safe? Are you wanting to be yourself but lack the determination to take a stand? Would you be reevaluating your relationships, feeling that they no longer add up but you lack the courage to walk away or end these cycles?

Here are some examples of the call of the unconscious when you see the time 10:10: take action for a real change within you. Until that happens, you will lack strength to act in life.

What to do when seeing the time 10:10?

Take a four-part deep breath: inhale slowly through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, release it slowly, hold it for a few seconds, and repeat the process two more times. This will help you to silence your mind and your heart.

Afterwards, ask your guardian angel or spiritual mentor to give you mental clarity about the changes you need to make and the courage to definitely make them.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

the angel 1010

Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth at around 10:10 am is the angel Lecabel. He is invoked to illuminate the resolution of the most difficult problems.

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Since we have two numbers, you can use white, which represents the number 0, along with red, for the number 1. While white brings you clarity and purity of what you need to know, red will give you the power of action to attitudes taken.

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