02 essential archetypes to keep activated in us for a lifetime

    Today I bring 2 essential archetypes to activate and keep very well active in us for life. Represented by our yin and yang sides, which are our feminine and masculine sides, they are the priestess and the magician. These 2 archetypes, when in balance within us, drive us towards the creation of infinite possibilities, in addition to helping us to walk in the flow of the Universe, which is the key to having a life with more development, health, harmony, joy, peace, in shortโ€ฆ because everything that exists in the Universe originates from the meeting and balance of these two yin and yang poles.

    The priestess represents the yin side, which is the connection of the individual with his inner world, with his intuition. She represents the feminine and sacred side, the inner and deep side of being. It is the connection with your unconscious. Regardless of whether we are female or male, we have yin and yang within us. However, this side can be repressed in some people. But what is important for you to know is that regardless of your gender, it is necessary to have this archetype very well activated in you, because once the archetype of the priestess refers us to the connection with our intuition, with our unconscious , and the constant search for self-knowledge, it becomes of paramount value for all of us.

    In fact, we encounter a lot of difficulty in life when we don't know each other. Before we know the best paths for our life, whatever the area, we need to know ourselves. โ€œAnd you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!โ€ Those were the words of Christ. Despite more than two thousand years after these phrases were said, it is a pity that even today many people still have not realized their deep meaning! The only truth that can set you free is your truth. However your truth is in the depths of your being, it is in your subconscious. Until we penetrate to the depths of our being, we will not discover the truth. And, therefore, we will be at the mercy of the truths of the world and others, implanted in us. And the archetype of the priestess helps us to delve deeper and deeper into ourselves and discover our truths; so that we may be freed. However, we can't just stay in this submerged world of the priestess. To achieve success, we will need to go out into the outside world, we will need to communicate and express our truths to the world; so that we can create our reality. And it is here that we come across the importance of the mage archetype.

    02 essential archetypes to keep activated in us for a lifetime

    The magician archetype represents the yang side, the masculine side. It is the power of creation, the initiation of things, the impulse of action, creativity and intelligence. The magician can communicate with the outside world, with people and with the environment. These are some of the most important qualities for us to succeed in life! But, above all, the magician manages to connect with the world of ideas and is also able to choose, among these ideas, which will be the most productive and thus place them in the world, through his ability to create, communicate and express. The magician plans what he wants, executes and mainly he puts it into action. The magician's creativity is carried out in the material world and in practice. The mage is magnetic and charming. The magician's energy brings us great possibilities to achieve what we want in life. It is very important to have the mage archetype in balance! We all want to fulfill ourselves in life, whatever the field. And every achievement requires a good power of action and also of communication with the external world. However, it is very good to remember that, in order for us to have good external communication, we must first communicate and get to know ourselves very well. Rather, we need good communication with our inner world. And this we achieve through the archetype of the priestess.

    Anyway, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, in order to flow in harmony with the Universe, it is necessary to have the yin and yang sides in balance, because only then will we be in agreement with the principle of creation!

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    Finally, it's always good to remind you: archetypes are not like a magic touch. It's no use simply putting a symbol of an archetype in your environment or using something on you, if you don't dedicate yourself to studying archetypes very well, including their shadow sides.

    Don't stay in superficiality or laziness! If you want to activate an archetype, try to study it very well beforehand.

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