Yin and Yang: Light and Shadows

The feminine (yin, moon, shadows) and masculine (yang, sun, light)... Calm down, I'm not talking about biological sex or gender, I'm talking about important points that we all have: light side, shadow side, yin (energy) feminine) and yang (masculine energy).

This article is not to discuss the issue of gender and biological sex, it is about energy, which is part of the construction of the human being.

I ask that you consider this term “male energy” and “female energy” only as a nomenclature, excluding common sense ideas about gender roles that we know, as it has nothing to do with it. So much so that everyone has masculine and feminine energy, yin and yang.

Calm down, I know that this kind of subject makes our minds confused, but I will explain it in a simple way in this article.

Yin and Yang: Light and Shadows
William Perugini / 123RF

This concept comes from the east and says that the world and human beings are ruled by energies from two different poles. That is, there is a duality that governs the universe, as if it were two opposites that must be in balance. In other words, for there to be light, there must be shadows.

It has nothing to do with Machiavelli's concept of “right” and “wrong”, “evil” and “good”, associated with light and shadows, which is quite relative, according to each construction of each group.

There is a lot of confusion about the concept of light and shadows, as this concept is largely associated with a very prejudiced idea that is fortunately already being put into question.

It is not necessarily about this simple idea of ​​“light” versus “shadows”, it is much more than that.

Yin and Yang: Light and Shadows
Eric Ward/unsplash

Yin and yang are opposing energies that coexist harmoniously with each other. There is talk of a pattern expectation. Each person has their own behavior pattern, which is when they are in the potency of their primary temperament, which must govern them, that is, in balance. But when there is an imbalance, he goes from potency to arrogance or impotence of his temperament. It means that either the characteristics of this temperament are in excess or lack, that is, they go into imbalance, mess up the person's whole life.

For example, if I'm in a meeting, I have to show confidence and persuasion to express my ideas, so I have to activate my yang, my masculine energy, of action, of execution, of giving in order for me to be successful in my goals. This energy is more aggressive, more active and seductive. Yes, seduction is a weapon not only to conquer someone emotionally and sexually, but also a weapon to conquer customers, if you have a business, something that you have to sell, or if, in this case, you work in art, just like I do. , and have to sell your image with truth and transparency. When you activate yang, you appeal to objectivity, to rationality, to more logical thinking.

Yin and Yang: Light and Shadows
Joshua Ness/ Unsplash

Now, when I have to be more observant, listening and submitting to something or someone, I have to activate my yin, my feminine energy, of receptivity to that situation. For example, when I'm in a meeting and I need to hear ideas, or in a conversation with a friend or colleague. This is also an energy of creativity, emotional, important for new ideas, not only if you work in the field of art and culture.

Anyway, this is a subject for my workshop that will be released soon.

Yin is also about delicacy, sweetness, sensitivity, spirituality and intuition, because it is about shadows, what is more hidden, deeper.

Do you understand that the issue of yin (female) and yang (male) is more energetic about opposite poles that govern society? That there is no better or worse, the two complement each other?

Yin and Yang: Light and Shadows
Vince Fleming/Unsplash

This is the formation of the balance of the universe, there is no one without the other. Yes, I have to hit that key again, because it's the secret of life, a full life. We all have lights and shadows and living harmoniously is recognizing this duality that exists within us. If we ignore or deny one, it's like we're killing ourselves.

We all have these two types of energies and they work much better when they are well aligned. Misalignment can have very serious consequences for our lives. Be it emotional and psychological that can somatize in physical diseases.

Many think that balance and harmony is just light, peace and love in life, even many spiritualists preach this. There are even those who misinterpret what the Buddha says about balance and the middle way. I talked about this in an older article of mine, about this demand to be perfect, and even on my social networks, everything has to be perfect, we want to have control of everything and everyone, the world has to be in the palm of our hands, everything must be in place...

Yin and Yang: Light and Shadows
Dyu Ha/Unsplash

But that's not how life is and Buddha knew that well. He says about knowing and recognizing the lights and shadows that exist within us, knowing how to work with them so that they are in harmony and balance. One does not exclude the other. I only recognize what is light in me, by recognizing what shadows are in me.

Once the venerable Roshi Coen and professor Mario Sergio Cortella, at an event in a bookstore for the launch of a book written together called “Neither Angels nor Demons: The Human Choice between Virtues and Vices”. In that chat, there was a very deep discussion about human duality that made me reflect a lot. What makes us want to do right? What makes us want to be the best version of ourselves every day? For having made many mistakes in life, for realizing that the way we used to take it is no longer making sense. We recognize peace because we have turmoil in us, we recognize love because we have wrath within us. This anger that is a snap so that we are not accommodated, it is this anger that makes us want to “turn the tables” and say “Enough, if I continue with my life in the same way, it will not move and I will be stagnant” .

And this is how we begin the process of awakening, of achieving the state of nibbana (contemplation, enlightenment). It's not a nice, pleasant way. It's uncomfortable, very painful.

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Every change causes a nuisance, because it takes us out of the comfort zone. When it comes to yin and yang, it's not about good or bad. Good is the balance between light and shadows, evil would be the imbalance of these two opposites.

One does not exclude the other, and I've seen blogs say that this interpretation of yang (male energy) and yin (female energy), that people usually do, is very aggressive and really gives openings to extremist and prejudiced ideas, which society has created and thus associating the concept of light and shadows, yin and yang.

Thanks to those who read this article!

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