The Energy of Colors

Colors make life a harmonious existence, of peace, happiness, love and integration. In all beings, through Divine Wisdom, there are Energetic Chakras, which are centers of natural balance in the biology of each being. This shows perfection in the creation of all beings. Therefore, we must use this intelligent form of energy in order to restore and rebalance the source of the entire organism.

There are seven main energy chakras, and for each of them, a specific color corresponds. So these seven colors are available to be used in every moment of your life. They are like universal energy. They exist and are present in every being. But for you to be able to use them, you must first connect. Subsequently, maintain awareness and have attitudes compatible with your needs at this moment, using the most indicated colors. The connection comes through an internal decision; awareness is keeping the connection and attitudes are the choices and actions you make every day of your life.

The Energy of Colors
Lucas Sankey/Unsplash

There are seven bright colors of a lot of energy present in each Chakra. You have a lifetime to rely on the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Each of them represents emotions and acts on ways of thinking, contributing to a full life. The red color represents the energy of life, of birth and favors gratitude to life. The orange color acts in the release of vital energy in order to generate a feeling of well-being and high productivity, favoring the will to live.

The color yellow represents the art of living well. It is joy expanded by a lifestyle chosen for happiness. It's about being happy internally, no matter what situations come your way, for happiness is an energy you choose to connect with. The color green is one of the great reasons in life. It serves to heal whatever is needed. Healing related to the physical or energetic body, and the healing of thoughts or emotions. Life happens so that there is a cure for each being, and thus its evolution.

The Energy of Colors
Tim Mossholder/Unsplash

The blue color is the source of inner purification. Everything that happens can be purified. It favors the renewal and transformation of each being. The indigo color unites you with your life purpose. It is like a guiding light that makes you linked to your own destiny, and therefore everything that is to happen in your life comes through this link. It favors a past, present and future linked to a single source, which is the origin and purpose of each life. Violet color makes perception subtle, connecting you to cosmic energy and all spirituality. It has the power to transmute any imbalances and make the energy of each vital field vibrate positively. To be connected with Divine Energy is to keep the violet vibration accessed within you.

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  • Learn to use Chakra stones and balance your energy!
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Are you connected with the colors of your energy centers? How do you use colors to your advantage? Daily, do you remember to color your day?

The colors are present in the essence. To activate them, seek to make the connection, assume awareness and generate attitudes. Also, the energy of colors is present in food, in fashion, in your style of clothing, in makeup and in your home or business, through energetic decoration, which prioritizes the vital energy of each being and of all environments.

Love & Light!


Fraternal hug!

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