
You must have read about many stones and crystals scattered around. But, do you know what they mean and what they can bring to our life? In this article the focus is Malachite, considered the Stone of Spiritual Evolution of the New Age, that is, of the New Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius is a period of transition and spiritual evolution that the Earth is going through, thus showing the importance that this stone has for our new journey.

What does Malachite bring us?


In addition to helping to heal spiritual issues that are out of order, align the DNA by reorganizing the cells' memory and bring the possibility of our being to transform, Malachite activates our intuition and facilitates the energies and information that reach us. And what does that mean? that these energies and information helps us to walk the path towards spiritual ascension.

The stone also helps in expanding consciousness, drawing light into our Aura and purifying the energy field. With all these changes, we come closer and closer to contacting our Higher Self.

therapeutic effects

  • Malachite brings some benefits to the human body and our interior. Meet some of them:
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Helps in curing diseases like asthma, epilepsy, arthritis and joint pain
  • Strengthens the immune system, pancreas and spleen
  • Stimulates the liver to eliminate toxins
  • Helps treat diabetes when worn on the wrist
  • It brings benefits to women's sexual health, even facilitating childbirth

How to use?

There are four ways to use Malachite and what directly influences each of them is the objective you want to achieve:

  • to raise the spirituality and awakening superior abilities: the ideal is to use Malachite during meditation.
  • To help expand mediumship and intuition: the recommended thing is to put the stone under the pillow.
  • To attract good energies and ward off evil forces: it is important to leave Malachite in the environments where you want this transformation to take place.
  • To purify energy, gain protection and accelerate evolution: you must use Malachite in the form of a gem, regardless of what it is.

Did you know?


Malachite is surrounded by ancient curiosities. The Egyptians, for example, used the stone as a remedy for the eyes and Cleopatra used it to increase her personal glow. Also, the crowns of the Pharaohs almost always had Malachite, as they believed it enhanced their spiritual vision.

In Italy, alchemists used it so they could have revealing dreams. They sought to understand complex concepts they had not yet discovered.

Stone cleaning and energizing

Malachite is a highly spiritual, so whenever you feel the need, it's important to clean and energize it.

To do this purification, place the stone in running water with a little salt. Do this for a maximum of 3 minutes.

To energize it, just leave Malachite under sunlight for a maximum of 3 minutes too, as too much can damage it.

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