What does the Sacred Feminine mean?

The Sacred Feminine is not a religion with dogmas, but the need for women to learn to believe in themselves. In this philosophical current, those who feel lost in the midst of their routine and the roles they play manage to externalize their psyche, through social, personal, psychological, religious, cultural issues and also in a spiritual context. In this encounter with their truths, a feeling of fullness arises that no one can take away from them.

The Sacred Feminine is far from abstract. The reunion with the feminine essence influences in various sectors of life, see how:

Sacred Feminine and love relationships

For real love to happen, self-esteem, sincerity and security are necessary. Those who know themselves, know what they want and, above all, what they don't want. Women who are alone don't accept just anyone just for company.

In the Sacred Feminine, there is the celebration of independence. Self-esteem awakens the awareness that no one depends on the loved one to live and that the relationship is a sum of forces.

This philosophy teaches that everyone must discover their Inner Goddess and absorb her characteristics. Discover your beauty, your virtues and your warrior and don't be ashamed of it.

What does the Sacred Feminine mean?

Sacred Feminine and sexuality

Lack of self-esteem and repressive upbringing lead to sexual problems, such as not wanting to have sex, pain during intercourse, and difficulty reaching orgasm. In Sagrado Feminino, the rescue of sexuality happens through artistic expression: makeup, dance, crafts, drawing, writing, etc. In this reconnection with the body and sex, the womb is the area that represents creation and absorbs this energy.

Sacred Feminine and career

Employment is not just the salary at the end of the month, it represents dignity, pleasure and also reflects your identity. If you're not in your dream job and can't leave for financial reasons, see which Goddess archetype suits you best and apply the trait in your professional life. Know the qualities of each Goddess:

Aphrodite: the woman with this profile needs to feel passion for work. She cherishes love for art and beauty in her career as well. If she doesn't work specifically with art, she will make a point of decorating her workplace, or at least her desk. The Aphrodite woman will always go to work dressed in very feminine clothes.

Athens: work is a great pleasure for a woman of Athena profile. The joy of working improves communication skills in the professional environment.

Demeter: protective and zealous, this woman takes food she made herself for lunch, offers delicacies to colleagues and puts photos of her family in her workspace.

Artemis: the Artemis woman has difficulty following orders and freedom of expression is a factor that will bring professional happiness.

Persephone: professional life needs to bring personal advantages, for example: if you work in a bookstore, you will be happy to sell books that are related to your personality.

Hera: the Hera woman likes to lead and loves when they need to use their creativity to organize events.

Have you heard about Sacred Feminine? Did you identify with this philosophy? How about sharing your impressions with us? We are waiting.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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