What is Kundalini Yoga?

    Known as the first form of yoga ever practiced, the Kundalini Yoga is an ancient science that aims to kundalini awakening, latent energy that is in our spine and that travels the ascending path of the seven main chakras.

    What is Kundalini Yoga?

    This happens due to the mixing and union of the prana (cosmic energy) – basic life force, which is in the air we breathe, in the food or chlorophyll we eat and which we assimilate without any effort – with the district (elimination energy) – eliminative force whose reserve is located in the lower chakras.

    When the apan rises, joining with the prana through exercises, breaths and bhandas, pressure is generated which, by producing heat (energy), causes the Kundalini to rise through the chakras; that is, along the vertebral column, through which our entire nervous system passes.

    During the practices of Kundalini Yoga, people awaken the circulation of this potential of Kundalini energy, restoring and balancing all the systems of the organism, in addition to promoting a state of heightened consciousness. For these reasons, it was also known as the yoga of consciousness, as it aims to awaken in human beings their spiritual and creative potential.

    What is Kundalini Yoga?

    The practice, whose symbol is a snake coiled at the base of the spine, has dynamic, energizing and objective techniques. Among the benefits, we can highlight that it strengthens, stretches and relaxes the muscles and the entire metabolism. In addition, it helps the respiratory system, increases the level of physical and psychic vitality, stimulates the harmony of the nervous and glandular systems and proposes a deep dive into meditation.

    Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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