the wisdom of the waters

    According to Chinese Medicine, the water element governs the energy of our kidneys and bladder. These organs control certain issues in the physical and psychic structure of the human being. Among them, we can mention: bones, teeth and joints, emotions related to fear, willpower.

    If the kidney is overloaded or lacking in energy, this will be expressed through the ears, hearing, and also through urine, body fluids and your vitality. But is water really that important? Yes she is! But not only that, she is also one of the elements of nature that can help in the transformation and harmonization of your body, through your cells.

    Malleability, this is how it adapts perfectly to the shape of what contains it. And the more we research, the more we discover that we know next to nothing about these magical elements of nature. Through recent studies, it was discovered that water has memory and that it is completely permeable to thought. By bringing this openness, memory can be reprogrammed through vibration, or even a simple intention.

    the wisdom of the waters
    Sourav Mishra / Pexels / Canva

    Researcher Masaru Emoto showed this when he exposed water bottles to different words, sounds and thoughts. He wrote down and intended emotions good for some and bad for others, then froze them and photographed their small molecules, exposing the modified crystals before and after the feat. Emoto showed the world that the feelings we have towards water directly affect their memory, modifying its structure. In this way, he proved that any and all water on this planet can receive all kinds of vibrational programming.

    And what does that change in your life? Exactly everything! Because your body is made of water (between 60% and 70%). Then, with this knowledge, you come to realize that there is a strong relationship between the water in your body, your words, your feelings and your emotions. If you are a negative person, who complains, who criticizes all the time, who victimizes himself, the cells of your body, which are pure water, will be impregnated with this information all the time.

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    So, knowing that the water in your body has the power to transform all your cells, how about starting right now to change your vibration? Put more love into the things you say, think and do. Replace complaint with prayer. Be grateful. Bless the people around you, especially those who bring you problems. Put a positive intention on your path, and all your cells will be infested with this precious information. Gradually, they will be restructured.

    It's difficult? Yea! But nothing is impossible. Habit makes Being, isn't it?!

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