When everything goes right, it just goes right!

When everything is going right, it's because everything is going right! Very simple! It can't be complicated and it's not complicated!

We have a habit of always questioning everything, even things that are already working out. This mania is directly linked to our beliefs, which were imposed on us, back then, mainly in childhood, when our gaze did not have the experience of a broader and more conscious vision, which we should have when we become adults. We question, question and question and this can lead us to insecurity, anguish, fear and self-sabotage!

We take this attitude, obviously, unconsciously, even as adults, because everything is registered in our mind and everything that registers in our mind tends to repeat itself, both positive and negative.

When everything goes right, it just goes right!
Keenan Constance | Pexels

I noticed that attitude with me too. Many times an image, a song, a word triggered the trigger in my mind and I continued to repeat the same attitudes, the same thoughts and I even managed to feel present in the moments of suffering! I lived them again as if they were really happening. I could feel the same hurt, the same anger and my attitudes remained the same, causing me more suffering.

I decided to end it all, not too easily, of course, because it's not easy – it's work and constant training, 24 hours a day. It requires commitment, decision and above all “wanting”. But, as I always say, I became a mere observer of it all, NOW, with a more expanded and conscious vision.

Through the courses I took, such as Reiki, Radiesthesia, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Radionic Table and Arcturian Multidimensional Healing, in addition to Family Constellation, I clearly identified that everything we are and everything we want is in our mind. Therefore, our mind is the one that builds the reality, the path and the destiny that we want, regardless of the religious faith we profess.

It's no use pointing out blame and outsourcing our responsibility. We are in this world, going through this life – which is UNIQUE.

Even for those who believe in reincarnation, one fact is obvious: we can only live one LIFE with each reincarnation; we don't live two! This means that we must and can live this unique LIFE in fullness, acting with love for oneself, with forgiveness, with the opportunities that come before us, facing the “turbulences” without fear of falling.

The Universal Divine Source is sustaining us! It is present in every moment and has already given us everything we need to face these adversities and will surely give us much more! Everything is available around us!

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Take a closer look around you; step into the silence of yourself and you will see the wonders with which you can work to become better every day and be part of those who are committed to transforming the world into a much more balanced and loving.

It is worth it!

You just want it and the Universe will give you what you need!

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