What is quantum therapy?

    Today I'm going to talk a little about the new therapies that are called “Quantum”, but to better understand how they work, it will be important to review some concepts of Quantum Physics, but we will do it in a simple and didactic way.

    There is very interesting material on the Internet about some discoveries by Gregg Braden, who is a scientist currently known for bringing together the world of science and the spiritual world. It assumes that science has already proved through quantum physics that we are energy and that we are all connected through our vibration.

    At the microscopic level, nothing is material, everything is vibration and made of condensed energy, therefore we live in a vibrating universe and our bodies are made from the vibration of energy that we constantly emanate through our thinking which is pure energy.

    All energy has a vibration and this vibration creates the material world, therefore our bodies and everything else around us were and continue to be created through our collective minds, therefore, thought, feeling and emotion are vibrations that create an impact on the matter in which they are designed, for this reason we need to be careful what we think and feel!

    In the same way, if you want a healthy body, a balanced mind and a full emotional life, you need to change some attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that are contrary to this condition of well being that you want for yourself.

    Change is not always so simple and easy, because we are repeating familiar, social and even spiritual patterns without much awareness of it, and it is to boost a new worldview and free people from these thoughts and images towards the health and well being that quantum therapies are proposing new healing techniques.

    What is quantum therapy?
    NikkiZalewski / Getty Images / Canva

    The effective participation of the client is part of these new therapeutic procedures and, for that, he will be stimulated in his interiorization and self-knowledge, as he must be committed to his change of state, that is, with his cure, because the true cure is nothing more than the transformation from a state of pain, suffering, helplessness and discomfort to a state of consciousness, mastery, personal power, comfort and harmony in every way.

    All procedures and techniques that use the precepts of Quantum Energy are made from new images and intentions emitted by the clients and for that, they use mental commands, phrases, words of power that neutralize limiting beliefs and implement enabling beliefs that will generate new attitudes, behaviors, reactions and will certainly stimulate positive and promising emotions generating physical responses of comfort and health for the body.

    As we have seen, thought is energy and energy goes where your intention goes. The great idea then is to project your dreams and desires, put your intention objectively through vivid and colorful images and think about them happening and feel happy that they are coming true and with the power to actually work for their materialization. and say… So it is done… So it is… And So it shall be!

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    I take this opportunity and invite you to discover a new form of Quantum Therapy that is coming under the name of HEART PULSE, which is a set of modern and wonderful techniques to promote a state of harmony, balance and peace. Visit the site to discover and unravel a little more about the Quantum Energy Concepts applied to Healing on the four levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

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