Amber necklace and first teeth

    Eruption of baby teeth is a physiological (natural) process in which health professionals and the family observe local changes and/or even systemic changes. However, there are few studies in the literature that demonstrate this relationship between dental eruption and changes at a systemic level (slight increase in temperature, gastrointestinal changes, sleep disturbance, reduced appetite, etc.). Therefore, we have to be very careful when associating the emergence of the first teeth with symptoms of a systemic nature that occur simultaneously with this period.

    In this period, between 4 and 10 months of age of the baby, we can observe a inflammation of the gums at the site of the tooth eruption, translated by redness, swelling, local itching, pain and discomfort. Therefore, the child feels an irritation in the region and has the habit of biting and placing objects or even the hand in the mouth to satisfy this itch, and may even cause a mouth ulcer. Excessive salivation (sialorrhea) is also observed due to the fact that the saliva becomes more viscous (salivary glands maturation) and the child finds it difficult to swallow it.

    Amber necklace and first teeth

    The amber necklace is an additional resource that has been used by many families on their babies to relieve these symptoms. However, this resource does not present scientific evidence in the literature that proves its benefits and indicates its use in the dental eruption phase. Parents who use this alternative resource are those who believe in the analgesic and anti-inflammatory power of amber.

    Amber is a fossil plant resin found in different parts of the world. However, amber from regions bordering the Baltic Sea, such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, is known for its therapeutic benefits, depending on the amount of succinic acid. Succinic acid is a chemical compound that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing and immunostimulating properties. When Baltic amber comes in contact with the skin, it releases small amounts of the acid, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream. The amber necklace used by babies acts as a natural pain reliever, which has pain-relieving properties and reduces gum inflammation resulting from tooth eruption.

    Amber necklace and first teeth

    For those families who are interested in the amber necklace, it is very important to pay attention to its authenticity/origin and characteristics that guarantee the safety of the baby.

    In short, the symptoms related to the emergence of the first teeth, in most cases, are mild and transient. If an exacerbation of the state of normality occurs, the baby should be taken to the pediatrician for evaluation of the real etiology of these signs and symptoms.

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