What is Crystal Therapy?

    Crystal therapy appeared many thousands of years ago when man began to realize that crystals were not just objects taken from nature with a unique beauty that could beautify their homes. Despite being very beautiful, they did more than just beautify the environments.

    These men of the past realized that crystals gave off a very special “energy” that could be used for a variety of purposes, including helping human beings feel more balanced.

    Since then, over the years, this contact with crystals has been getting closer and little by little people have been learning how to use more fully this “energy” that the ancients felt. And so came the use of crystals as a healing tool, which is currently called crystal therapy. Some people also call it Gemoterapia, Litoterapia e crystal therapy, all have the same basic premise: crystals as a healing tool.

    But what specifically does crystal therapy do? How can a crystal help someone regain their balance? Is there any plausible explanation for the performance of crystal therapy? The answer is yes and that's what we're going to cover in this article.

    To understand how crystal therapy works, we need, in the first instance, to understand how the human body is formed, that is, to understand the various physical and non-physical constituents of the human body. The first of them, the physical body, everyone already knows, being widely studied by our current science, and its anatomy and physiology very well known by all health professionals.

    The second part of the human body that one must know to understand how crystals work is its energetic constitution, that is, the non-visible part of the human body that permeates it and exerts a great influence on all its aspects. This part of the body is made up of three major groups of structures: energy fields, chakras and energy conduits, better known as meridians and nadis.

    O first group, Os energy fields, are energetic envelopes that cover the entire human body and the set of them is known by most people as aura. The aura is divided into seven energy levels, each with a different vibratory frequency and responsible for keeping some part of the body in balance. The names of these fields are etheric, emotional, mental (lower and higher), buddhic, adic and monadic. These names vary greatly with each translation and each line of study, but in essence they are all the same.

    What is Crystal Therapy?

    O second group are chakras, energetic vortices located in the spine and which have the function of regulating various aspects of the human body, some being physical and some non-physical. As far as the physical part is concerned, the chakras help to regulate the main endocrine glands of the body and also regulate all the physiological systems of the organism, such as the digestive, respiratory, circulatory systems, etc. And finally, it's always good to remember that the chakras also energetically nourish all the physical tissues of the body, because the whole body needs vital energy to live (prana or qi), and the chakras are one of the main valves for receiving and distributing vital energy throughout the body.

    The chakras still have a great non-physical function, which is to regulate various emotional and mental aspects that permeate the entire life of the human being. An example would be the action of the heart chakra, in the center of the chest, which regulates various aspects related to feelings and, when we feel very distressed, this chakra stops flowing freely and the entire region of the chakra is energetically deficient, which can even weaken the region and generate a field more prone to diseases.

    And finally, in third group, we have the energy distribution channels through the body that are better known as meridians in Chinese medicine and nadis in Ayurveda. These channels are not exactly the same, although some of them may coincide, but its function is very similar. These channels permeate all seven energy levels of the human body and do all of its energy distribution.

    All the parts mentioned above act in unison and form an “energy system” responsible for balancing our entire body. From this point of view, all the imbalances we feel, whether physical, emotional or mental, originate from an imbalance in this energy system that, for some reason, has ceased to function in a balanced way.

    These imbalances form concentrations of energy known as miasmas which, in turn, create an impediment to the flow of energy in certain parts of the body. This impediment or stagnation is the cause of the imbalance we feel in the body. It is precisely at this point that crystals come into play and are able to reverse this imbalance.

    Crystals are physical structures that have a molecular pattern that is distributed equidistantly and symmetrically, and this gives them the property of emanating a perfect vibration pattern. This perfect pattern of vibration is what the ancients felt like a "good energy" and balancing, and most of us can feel it from crystals too.

    When a crystal comes into contact with a person's energy system, it will automatically begin to resonate with that system. and your perfect vibrational pattern will begin to return the possibility of the energy of the human body to vibrate again in a harmonic pattern. Then, all the miasma, imbalanced energy patterns, are gradually being undone, and the body's energy system returns to its normal state.

    In order to have really effective results, we must put the crystals directly on the chakras, as these points are more sensitive and the energy of the crystal can penetrate more effectively. We still need to know which crystal to use, because, in order to have a real result within this work, we must select the crystals that are in accordance with the person's need, a selection that is made by the professional who applies the technique.

    I would like to make some final remarks. The first one is that this explanation is extremely simplified, as there are different levels and ways of acting on the crystals, but I tried to make it as accessible as I could.

    And the second one is that I like to make it clear that whenever some illness has affected the physical body, that is, it has become illness in the physical body, the person should look for their doctor or trusted health professional, because, as much as crystal therapy helps in the recovery of these diseases, its main action is at the energetic level, preventing the emergence of these diseases and helping in their cure. The physical level is not the field of action of crystal therapy and, therefore, it should not be a technique to treat diseases already manifested in the physical. In these cases, we only help in the healing process and in the reduction of possible side effects of more severe treatments.

    Hugs and see you in the next article!

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