What is an empathetic person?

What is an empathetic person? The word of the moment is “empathy”. Every time we read about an event where someone disregarded or disrespected someone's feelings, someone always comes up to raise the issue of lack of empathy.

But what does it mean to have empathy? What is an empathetic person? Could you recognize someone like that in your everyday life? In this article, we are going to talk a little about what it is to be an empathetic person and what behaviors we can perceive in these people.

Empathy: the art of seeing the other's place

What is an empathetic person?
Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

From the Greek “empatheia” (which meant “passion”), empathy is establishing affective communication with the other and has to do with identifying and understanding their emotions.

In general, having empathy means “putting yourself in the other person’s shoes”. But the concept can go further than that, as an empathetic person not only puts himself in the place of another, but – first of all – he also knows and recognizes the feelings of others. It is not necessary to feel the pain of the other to recognize its existence and the power to affect someone. Knowing that the other also suffers and having the humility to not only consider that it hurts just because it could hurt us is one of the greatest qualities of empathic people.

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I understand you

An empathetic person understands the other without judgment. She sees your needs and emotions, as well as trying to experience what you feel objectively, without prejudice. She seeks to truly understand what you are going through, to find a way to help you.

I feel your pain

The person who has empathy can capture what ails the other, can perceive the pain and, by caring, ends up putting himself in the other's place.

What is an empathetic person?
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

I hear you

Empathy is about active listening, with respect to one's individuality. The empathetic person listens to you first, rather than acting selfishly. She doesn't just wait for the time to speak. She knows how to observe and sincerely receive what you have to say.

i really care

Unlike having sympathy, being empathetic is not just listening for the sake of listening, asking for politeness. Often we have no interest in the lives of others, we just establish communication in a superficial way.

The empathetic person truly cares, sincerely wants to know what is going on with you. When she asks you, “How are you?”, in fact she is interested in your emotions and your feelings. With it, you can really open up.

I want to help you

Helping solve problems, stop a pain, bring joy… these are all characteristics of an empathetic person. She really wants to help, but without interfering with your life or invading your space.

empathy in practice

What is an empathetic person?
Photo by Emma Bauso no Pexels

There are several situations in life in which empathy is exercised. Active listening, nonviolent parenting, attachment parenting, and positive discipline (which is a set of respectful practices used in parenting) are great examples of empathic behavior.

Or simpler postures – such as welcoming a new colleague to work, being willing to understand all the difficulties of a new moment, helping in their evolution within the work environment; or the respectful and kind attitude of a teacher towards a troubled student – ​​are also typical of an empathetic person.

Humanized care in hospitals, whether in the doctor-patient relationship, or in procedures such as childbirth performed with respect for the dignity of women; a mere psychological reception in a Facebook group when someone reports a problem or an affliction… All this is generated by the influence of empathy.

Being empathetic is perceiving the other with respect, solidarity, interest, love, affection and without judgment or criticism. An empathetic person makes everything around them evolve. It makes the world a better place to live. The world needs more people like that.

And you, do you consider yourself an empathetic person?

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