What I experienced and would like to share Part II

What I experienced and would like to share Part II
Representation of Osenko, where incense is lit for the purpose of cleaning and healing, and in the background a series of mini statues representing and honoring the ancestors, present in the Temple of Hase-Dera dedicated to Kannon (Kuan Yin in Japanese. The Goddess of Mercy ) in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

After Mikao Usui's visit (described in the previous article), the energy was mainly reflected in the morning of the next day, when all the members of the group were. For the next day, something very special and significant was planned, after all, we were going to visit the Mikao Usui Memorial, which is next to the cemetery and Saiho-ji Temple. Upon arriving at Saiho-ji temple, we were immediately surprised by the peculiar style in which it was built, particularly different from all the others.

In that Memorial are the ashes of Mikao Usui, and his true story is written there, carved in a large stone. It is interesting to share that this memorial, located in Asakusa, was built in 1926, exactly in the year of Sensei Usui's death, and that the entire region had been bombed soon after during the 2nd World War, but the memorial remained intact.

Accompanied by Reiki Masters Fuminori Aoki, Noriko Ogawa, Olivia Kikuchi, Ansai Emiko, Rita De' Carli and Johnny De' Carli, we had the privilege of participating in a Zen Buddhist ceremony right there, with incense, flowers, candles, magnetized water ( benta) and prayers of thanks to Sensei Mikao Usui for his honored work. I confess that it was one of the most important moments of the trip, and significantly profound for me, as I had particularly sacred experiences that day. I'm grateful for that.

At the Memorial, there is always a lot of silence and respect from everyone, after all, prayers and rituals prevail there, whether they are done individually or in groups. We were in a huge group, it's true, and everyone stayed in total connection, praying and respectfully observing the movement of colleagues. There was a moment when my father was calling one by one to be exactly next to the Memorial, and that we would make a connection there, through the ashes, with Sensei Mikao Usui. After everyone had this unique moment, there was an explanatory moment for the whole group about the scriptures carved in the Memorial stone.

What I experienced and would like to share Part II
Master Johnny De' Carli and I, Juliana De' Carli, at the Mikao Usui Memorial, in Asakusa, Japan.

As in Japan every available moment would be taken advantage of, that same day, in the afternoon, we were privileged to receive initiations with the Koriki Symbol (happiness), in the Shoden and Okuden of Reiki, taught by the Senseis Fuminori Aoki and Noriko Ogawa. These initiations were simply unforgettable and very intense for everyone present. This energy was mainly reflected in the morning of the next day, when everyone in the group was radiant and extremely happy, a result of the effect that the Koriki symbol was giving us.

This symbol was channeled by Sensei Fuminori Aoki, who is a student of Doi Hiroshi. Doi Hiroshi became a member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in 1993, being a student of Professor Sensei Kimiko Koyama, sixth president of the Gakkai, the Foundation that Mikao Usui founded in 1922.

In the words of Johnny De'Carli Sensei, โ€œThe Koriki symbol is little known. It originates from the Reido Reiki version of Tokyo, Japan, and was channeled by Sensei Fuminori Aoki in direct mediumistic communication with Sensei Mikao Usui. This symbol is composed of two Japanese kanji (Happiness and Strength) and is perceived by sensitives in pink. It is also known as the Symbol of Happiness and it helps us when we are sad or going through difficult times.โ€

What I experienced and would like to share Part II
Sensei Fuminori Aoki and my father give me my Shoden and Okuden certificate from Reido Reiki Institute.

The vibration that the Koriki symbol transmits is exactly one of strength and happiness. We feel this vibration leaving our hands when doing a Byosen with the symbol, bringing feelings of peace and serenity. Drawing it on the forehead of someone who is suffering from depression will have a very powerful healing effect. This is also a good way to start and end a Reiki treatment. Another interesting application of this symbol concerns the energizing of environments in general and also the energizing of liquids (water, juices, beverages), especially those served to people undergoing treatment. This can help a lot in many ways.โ€

Of the 40 Reiki masters present in the group on this trip, 12 took the master's course with Sensei Fuminori Aoki, in which we learned a new initiation ritual and were able to start with the Koriki symbol. I felt a lot of energy, both when being initiated and starting with this new ritual. These are totally different sensations from what I was used to feeling over the last 23 years as an active Reiki practitioner.

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On June 15, 2019 I will teach the First Exclusive Reido Reiki Course in Portugal (Lisbon), where I will perform the initiation of the Koriki Symbol with the New Initiation Ritual that I learned during this master's degree done in Japan with Sensei Fuminori Aoki.

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