What are the professions of the future?

Technology advances every day. The more this happens, the more the human need to get in touch with nature increases. Professions have been changing over time and many have already been devalued by the automation of certain equipment. It is normal that there is a certain concern of humanity and that questions like: “What will I do?” and “what will I work with in the future?” arise with the technological advance, but it is necessary to calm down and be prepared so that all the news does not take anyone by surprise.

The future of work is a hotly debated topic, and there are many different opinions and hypotheses, but one thing is clear in any situation: the world will change! Panic is not the best way out, as we know that society is already facing several problems with the job market. The few opportunities and even the lack of study and knowledge cause a great lack of information among people, which ends up generating excessive and even unnecessary concern, considering that the possible professions of the future can be exercised by everyone, as long as knowledge and study receive investment now!

Discover 15 future careers bets reported by the Center for the Future of Work and also based on university research:

What are the professions of the future?
Bruno/Germany image by Pixabay

1. Data Detective

This professional will investigate mysteries contained in big data. The requirements for this possible profession is to have knowledge of mathematics, finance and data science.

Today, technology already commands a large part of the job market and it is easy to find a course in the area, even at a distance, to stay connected and be a technological professional.

2. Sourcing: ethics officer

The investigation and monitoring of goods and services to ensure that the expenses of a company remain in line with some ethical standards will be the main duties of this professional. What are the requirements? Have experience with corporate ethics and have the ability to work in a team.

3. Walker

Just like an Uber driver, this professional will be self-employed. Through an online platform, he will talk and listen to the elderly. The main objective is to pay attention to the old people who like to talk! There are not many requirements for this profession, but being willing to travel to visit a client will be a differential.

It is not new that more humane professions are of great value to society, even if they are not well regarded by those who had the opportunity to go to college.

4. Retired Advisor

This professional will assist in retirement planning, taking into account the financial and occupational aspects of the client. The position requires considerable knowledge of administration and accounting.

What are the professions of the future?
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5. Human-Machine Relationship Manager

The professional will develop a system that enables and facilitates the interaction between machines and human beings. Being a neuroscientist or psychologist, in addition to knowledge in engineering, computer science and experience with robots, will be requirements for the position.

6. Marketing manager focused on e-commerce

This professional will work to ensure the security of transactions on commercial sites on the internet. It also guarantees a better positioning in the market based on studies on the segment of each company. For the position, having a degree in marketing, publicity and advertising or in computer areas is extremely important.

7. Remote tailor

The digital tailor will work in a special booth that makes it possible to find a customer's precise measurements. For the position, the requirements are: training and experience with fashion and be familiar with technologies.

8. Cloud Computing Specialist

IT professionals will be able to apply for this position, which will focus on managing cloud data storage. The requirement for the position is to have a degree in information technology.

9. Curator of memories

The curator of personal memories will contact stakeholders and some other sources to recreate experiences and experiences of clients who have lost their memory. For this, virtual reality will be used. The requirements for the position are: possess a surprising level of emotional intelligence, be communicative and innovative.

What are the professions of the future?
Image of mohamed Hassan by Pixabay

10. Personal data broker

This broker will be responsible for looking after and selling a client's data, seeking to increase earnings on various data exchanges. For the position, it is necessary to have extensive knowledge in global environments and have a more critical profile.

11. Road controller

This professional will monitor and plan roads and airspaces, creating platforms to manage cars and drones. For the position, it is essential to have the ability to make decisions and be organized and know how each piece of equipment works. Your hobby of assembling and disassembling electronic devices could become a profession in the near future!

12. Genetics officer

The genetics officer will be responsible for facilitating an organization's productivity and therefore increasing its profits by creating genetic inclusion that operates in relation to labor laws that are genetically enhanced. For the position, having advanced knowledge in biology or genomics is a requirement – ​​experience with genetics is a plus.

13. Innovation Manager

This professional will ensure that innovation is not linked to novelties such as products, for example. He will make it a way to optimize a company's cost reduction. For the position, training with an emphasis on market research is required.

14. Petroleum Engineer

The oil industry engineer will have as his main function to study, research and find more effective techniques for extracting oil. Having a degree in petroleum engineering is a must for candidates.

What are the professions of the future?
Image from RAEng_Publications by Pixabay
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15. Waste Manager

This manager will work to create ways to transform waste into sources of energy and income. Requirements: Degree in chemical engineering.

There are countless possibilities for the professions of the future, and you can prepare yourself to be fit for the one that pleases you the most!

Don't focus on the current difficulties and know that all the options mentioned above, as well as the existing ones, are incredibly prosperous and can provide you with a good life!

For a long time, professions have been updated and transformed in order to change and improve the world. To benefit from these changes, you need to be prepared and on top of everything that is happening!

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