Violence against Women in the Digital Age

    Today, more than ever, digital violence advances in its most diverse forms of harassment and, depending on the extent of the persuasion, it has enough power to persuade women of all ages, and can lead them to a sad end when they are deceived by conversations that are nothing more than mere articulations.

    Other types of internet violence also arise when victims undergo the most audacious types of humiliation and exposure. Abusers threaten and even post intimate photos, often taken without the victim's own knowledge, and sometimes even manipulate so that such photos appear in situations that never existed. At first, this is exposed as a blackmail maneuver along with threats that can literally be carried out. In the virtual universe, as well as in life outside it, there is a lot of bad faith and the pursuit of money at any cost, the lines of action belong exclusively to this type of frequency, including those who function as true internet psychopaths, causing immeasurable damage to its victims. Many blackmail, extortion, humiliation and aggression take place behind the scenes even before the actions extend to the screen.

    Due to the times of confinement due to isolation, lack of affection and human contact of many, unfortunately this type of violence has had more expression and chances of happening. Seduced victims end up going on physical encounters, seriously putting their lives at risk. All care, therefore, is little and the more you know about possible manipulations, types of enchantments and seductions, the easier it is to protect yourself.

    Violence against Women in the Digital Age
    Alex Green / Pexels

    The general tip is not to give the story of your own life in the first, nor in the successive contacts. So listen first, reflect and notice the signals that your biological machine sends you, always taking the warnings seriously, as they can prevent further damage from occurring.

    The internet age may be excellent, but we must never forget that it is also home to people of bad faith. The danger is much closer than one can imagine and this is an alarming situation that just a few years ago would have been unthinkable. Threats and actions also include the propagation of images, attacks and privacy exposures when Internet users act as hackers by invading dialogs and other personal situations. Break-ins come from malicious people, who act as if they can break into people's homes, forcibly opening intimate and personal doors and doing all sorts of trickery.

    • How to consume digital content harmoniously
    • Understand how the pandemic increased violence against women
    • Observe the influence of the digital age on human relationships
    • Protect yourself from domestic violence carefully

    As a precautionary measure, the current woman, before any kind of more intimate conversation, must be cautious and seek to know the dangerous paths that can lead a conversation that, initially, seemed naive. Furthermore, the woman should always avoid exposing any kind of intimacy. In an online conversation, learning to listen more, observing what you hear more critically than usual and talking as little as possible about yourself are valuable attitudes.

    When you realize that you are being a victim of psychological violence, cyber violence and as difficult as it is to organize evidence, immediately seek help, report what is happening and face challenges that, initially and certainly, will be less harmful than trying to solve the problem. situation alone.

    The more awake, the better!

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