Unraveling the Chakras: The Third of the 7 Major Chakras

following the explanation, let's get to know the third chakra: Manipura – “City of Jewels”.

Manipura chakra

solar plexus chakra

Sanskrit name: Manipura, “City of Jewels”

Mantra: Ram. 

Petals: 10.

Location: Three fingers above the navel.

Yellow color.

Fire element.

Functions: Build trust in instincts and inner voice (personal fulfillment).

It governs self-expression and the way we position ourselves in the world. It is he who allows us to do what gives us joy and say “no” whenever necessary. Weakened, it induces submission and low self-esteem. Overactivated, it compromises inner tranquility. On the physical plane, it influences the organs located between the navel and the chest. The health problems associated with this chakra are poor digestion, heartburn, ulcer and diabetes.

Unraveling the Chakras: The Third of the 7 Major Chakras

Influence on emotional  

When in imbalance: Selfishness, denial of active participation in coexistence, possessive and jealous love, prejudice, anger, deceit, power that humiliates, hasty conclusions, intransigence, shyness, absence, lack of strength to digest life.

When balanced: impulse to experience emotions, become aware of the other, place the ego in the world, expressing strongly the qualities of the being, strong will for command and leadership, power to relate and digest the environment, assimilating and learning. Love of life and openness to experience it with fullness, definite purpose of action, intuition, tenderness, goodwill, reverence and loyalty.

Influence on the physique  

When in imbalance: Poor digestion, anxiety, diabetes, toxins, skin, liver, pancreas problems, ulcers, hiatal hernia, gastritis, assimilation problems, gallstones.

When in balance: Integrity in action, tolerance, serenity, balance, flexibility, strength, good relationships, purity and selflessness.

How do you balance it?

Plant and care for sunflowers. Wear yellow clothes and accessories or envision the color enveloping the region above the waist. Put yellow foods on the menu, such as corn and manioc, bananas, yellow peppers, pineapples, potatoes, popcorn, melons, rosemary, etc.

Read more about chakras:

  • first chakra

  • Second chakra

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