Unraveling the Chakras: The Sixth of the 7 Major Chakras

Let's get to know the sixth chakra: Ajña – “The Command Center”

Ajña chakra

Frontal chakra

Sanskrit name: Ajña (“The Command Center”)

Mantra: Om.

Petals: 2.

Location: On the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Color: indigo blue

Element: All elements.

Functions: Responsible for perception.

Seat of intuition and intellect, this chakra is located directly between the eyes. Balanced, it provides mental clarity and creativity. Weakened and lacking in energy, it brings mental confusion, skepticism and fear of the future. Hyperstimulated, it generates mental rigidity, arrogance and obsessions. In disharmony, it can cause migraines or sinusitis.

Unraveling the Chakras: The Sixth of the 7 Major Chakras

Influence on emotional  

When out of balance: Dogmatism, stubbornness, obsession, selfishness, black magic, evil, conscious manipulation, power of domination, insidious and unhealthy mind, formality, intolerance, arrogance, self-indulgence, loss of faith, fear, seduction.

When balanced: Activates the individual's perception of the universe that surrounds him, understanding of his own path and sense of destiny, understanding of the motivation of the other, perception, keen intellect, intuition, developed vision, faith, breadth of thought, concentration, wisdom that unites mind and life, clairvoyance, prophecy, eradication of errors, devotion, strength, perseverance, self-confidence, charisma and magnetism.

Influence on the physique  

When out of balance: Renitis, sinusitis, allergies, migraine, ear problems, deafness, eye problems, blindness, cataracts, insanity, depression, stiffness, insomnia, nightmares.

When balanced: Self-realization, open-mindedness, expansiveness, spiritual growth, understanding of mistakes, tolerance, humility, gentleness and love, leadership with great magnetic power.

How do you balance it?

Imagine an indigo blue light in the forehead region. Calmly watch a starry night sky as you feel and visualize your third eye expanding, balancing more and more; Listen to New Age or classical music (especially Bach); drink lots of liquids such as: teas, light soups, guarana powder and avoid caffeine that stimulates the mind), foods such as: raspberry, purple grape, blackberry, jabuticaba.

Read more about chakras:

  • first chakra
  • Second chakra
  • third chakra
  • Fourth chakra
  • Fifth chakra
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