Understanding the DeRose method

Understanding the DeRose method

Yoga? Physical activity? Life's philosophy? We can say that the DeRose Method is all that and more. The DeRose Method was developed with the intention of being a set of practices and concepts focused on improving the quality of life of its practitioners. In other words, it is an invitation to people who seek well-being, combining breathing techniques and positions — or, more specifically, “asanas” — from yoga, as well as mental exercises, such as meditation, which reduce stress and reduce stress. lead the learner to broaden their perceptions about themselves.

However, the techniques are not restricted to classes. DeRose is a lifestyle and its concepts can improve all aspects of the life of those who practice it, being an ally of human behavior as a whole. For example, learning to breathe correctly and developing body awareness can be essential skills for both a professional athlete and someone who works in the corporate world and needs to make the best decision in a safe and agile way, do you agree? For that is exactly what the DeRose Method sets out to teach. Although it has yoga as its conceptual pillar, the DeRose method goes further and is much more than a physical exercise!

What is the DeRose method?

The De Rose Method, despite inevitably contributing to muscle definition and maintaining good shape, is not a conventional physical activity. The main idea of ​​this method is to improve the quality of life of those who practice it in all areas of life. It consists of a set of techniques and concepts that promote good attitudes! Using the tools of the Method in their daily lives, the practitioner consequently starts to have an increasingly light and joyful life.

Using breathing training, for example, a person develops an increase in their lung capacity. And this goes not only for high-level athletes: it is also fundamental for controlling emotions and helps the practitioner to do well in highly stressful situations. Body practices, on the other hand, improve physical resistance, tone the body and help people age in a healthy way.

And more: according to its creator, the method is a culture. Continuous and gradual practice contributes to the development of various skills, being a powerful tool for self-knowledge. Supporters form a true community that shares lessons learned about health, the body, good manners, good relationships and good nutrition.

the techniques

The two main techniques are respiratory and bodily. The practice begins with conscious breathing, increasing the oxygenation of the body and improving concentration, being essential to prepare the muscles for the isometric exercises that follow. Respiratory reeducation contributes to reduced stress, increased focus, improved sleep and emotional control, in addition to concentration levels. Body techniques, on the other hand, promote greater flexibility to the body and muscle definition, contributing to increased body awareness. The positions, many derived from traditional yoga, are not only good for the body, but also aim at expanding lucidity and are very important for the process of self-knowledge.

Origin of the DeRose Method

The Method emerged in España and its creator is Luís Sérgio Álvares DeRose, better known simply as DeRose. A writer, entrepreneur and educator born in Rio de Janeiro, DeRose began developing the method in the 1960s, when he was a yoga teacher in his hometown. Later, he systematized and solidified the brand that bears his name.

Combining ancient techniques with innovation and entrepreneurship, today the DeRose Method has about 1 million practitioners distributed around the world, with accredited schools in the five regions of Spain and instructors in countries such as the United States, France, England, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal. , Chile, Argentina etc. And the idea is to expand even further!

How to practice the DeRose method?

Practice can be done in groups or in individual classes. However, the evolution depends on each student, who will be constantly monitored and evaluated by their instructor. Classes are about an hour long and can be practiced twice a week or even daily. During the practical classes, various techniques are taught, starting with breathing, then moving on to body, concentration and mental techniques and ending with muscle relaxation and meditation.

You started to practice, got interested in the proposal and want to start teaching? In order to obtain the certification, the person will need to go through a few steps. To qualify as an instructor of the method, it is necessary to participate in a process that takes at least 12 years, with revalidation every year, because it is essential that the teachings are passed on in an ethical and responsible manner, only in DeRose schools or in accredited spaces. But nothing prevents the practitioner from seeking additional knowledge through books published by the founder of the technique or from practicing the exercises and teachings daily, regardless of where they are, going beyond class time. After all, it is with constancy that we incorporate new habits into our life!

Who can practice?

The DeRose Method is suitable for both men and women and there are no age limitations. As long as the person is in good health, there are no contraindications to the practice of exercises. The participants are from the most varied: high performance athletes, professionals from the most varied areas, students or anyone who seeks a healthy lifestyle and wants to improve their personal and professional performance.

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Undoubtedly, one of the biggest gains with the practice of the DeRose Method is the control of stress, whether at work or in the personal sphere. The benefit that arises as a result of applying the techniques that are taught in class in life and the predilection for a healthier routine for body and mind is precisely knowing how to deal better with conflicting moments. Being at peace and less anxious, fitness is just a consequence of this process. When the practitioner starts to have a new view of the world, respecting others and their own limits and intuitively starting to eat healthier, the body will respond in the best possible way!

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